White privilege

west coast

Active VIP Member
Jan 16, 2010
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I think we sometimes forget the sacrifices made by generations before us so we have now what others say is privilege. My father in law went to school in bare feet in northern Saskatchewan. He did get boots before winter but had no summer kicks. My mom grew up in a tiny shack down by the river. They would raid gardens in town for food. So when I here about privilege I get so mad. This thread is to share stories about the sacrifices made by our ancestors to get us to this time of plenty.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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In the US of A today the left is preaching to defund the police into oblivion. When asked what should I do if someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night? Don't use your white privilege to call a cop. You are racist. America..................you got problems. Celebrity's, politicians, teenage white girls are bowing for George Floyd today. 3 funerals paid for by celebrities for a man whose rap sheet is longer than the number of people who attended his funeral. A career criminal. Black monuments defaced, A statue of Abraham Lincoln who ended slavery defaced. Why? Because people like AOC tell them to. Facebook taking down video's of white people being beaten, people with guns saying they will protect their property. I'm here to tell you peeps that the end is near. What happens in the US will soon happen here. The world will change dramatically in the next 10 years and people like us that follow this website will be redacted from any resistance by law and peer pressure. I pray for my kids and grandkids


Active VIP Member
May 4, 2020
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Fawk them all, they all hate us,while loving all the stuff Europeans built here including Indians of course.The idiots are welcoming them into our society,and getting on their knees for them,totally INSANE!! My great grandparents came in 1905 from Europe...had to live in a sod hut in northern Saskatchewan in the freezing temps no wood to burn around, luckily the neighbours were situated and helped them survive till it got better. IT BREAKS MY HEART TO SEE PEOPLE NOW GETTING ON THEIR KNEES FOR CRIMINALS,F YOU AND YOUR WHITE PRIVLAGE


Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2008
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Fernie, BC
In the US of A today the left is preaching to defund the police into oblivion. When asked what should I do if someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night? Don't use your white privilege to call a cop. You are racist. America..................you got problems. Celebrity's, politicians, teenage white girls are bowing for George Floyd today. 3 funerals paid for by celebrities for a man whose rap sheet is longer than the number of people who attended his funeral. A career criminal. Black monuments defaced, A statue of Abraham Lincoln who ended slavery defaced. Why? Because people like AOC tell them to. Facebook taking down video's of white people being beaten, people with guns saying they will protect their property. I'm here to tell you peeps that the end is near. What happens in the US will soon happen here. The world will change dramatically in the next 10 years and people like us that follow this website will be redacted from any resistance by law and peer pressure. I pray for my kids and grandkids

On and off for the last few years, due to the $hit that has been going on, I've been thinking of purchasing a shotgun. I've never owned a gun in my life but I have shot some skeet and fired small caliber rifles. My wife does not like guns and would really not like me having one in the house. She knows some of our friends own rifles and shotguns and isn't winged out about that, but I think she might be a little off kilter if I bought a shotgun.

I have done zero research on the hoops I would need to jump through to purchase a shotgun...anyone want to fill me in on what I would need to do?
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Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Northern AB & BC
You will have to get your PAL by taking a course. Then you will have to send out the paperwork to get the card. I suggest not going for the restricted at the moment. I have a feeling that will take much longer now to get. Plus it’s more paperwork.


Active VIP Member
Feb 26, 2009
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Gibbons, Alberta, Canada
I think we sometimes forget the sacrifices made by generations before us so we have now what others say is privilege. My father in law went to school in bare feet in northern Saskatchewan. He did get boots before winter but had no summer kicks. My mom grew up in a tiny shack down by the river. They would raid gardens in town for food. So when I here about privilege I get so mad. This thread is to share stories about the sacrifices made by our ancestors to get us to this time of plenty.

That's some valid points. I keep forgetting my Dad grew up with no power or indoor plumbing. He said one of is chores was bringing water to the house from the Fraser river for cooking/cleaning/bathing.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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On and off for the last few years, due to the $hit that has been going on, I've been thinking of purchasing a shotgun. I've never owned a gun in my life but I have shot some skeet and fired small caliber rifles. My wife does not like guns and would really not like me having one in the house. She knows some of our friends own rifles and shotguns and isn't winged out about that, but I think she might be a little off kilter if I bought a shotgun.

I have done zero research on the hoops I would need to jump through to purchase a shotgun...anyone want to fill me in on what I would need to do?
If you are happy just to own a non restricted gun like a shotgun then take a PAL course like Zal said. There are some communities that sponsor adult education courses and will bring in a guy to teach the course. All you need to do is pay the fee. (It varies) or check with a gun store and they run courses as well on weekends. Its not intimidating and just focuses on gun and ammo identification, safety with guns, handling guns and latest legislation and storage rules for that gun. Once you pass the course you can fill out the government application for a PAL. You will be charged another fee and will have to supply some names and contact info for 2 upstanding souls to vouch for you and your partners contact info so the RCMP can verify you are fit to own a gun. If you are approved your card will come in the mail and you can then go to a gun shop and buy a gun and ammo. You will need to purchase a safe or locked storage cabinet as well to store the gun. Good luck and please PM me if you have any more questions!


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2012
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My grandparents(dads) raised 8 kids in a 3 room house near Perigord Saskatchewan, and my Great grandparents immigrated in the late 1800's. There were no handouts and they earned everything they got through hard work. My other grandparents (moms) mother was a scotish war bride to my grandpa. My grandpas family came to Canada just before WW1 started (they were German). They settled in Anneihiem Sask. Some farmed and my Grandpas cousins eventually founded Doepker manufacturing, today building truck trailers. Both sides of my family busted their asses to build a good life for us. It burns me to see whats happening in Canada right now.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Now on Fox News.......police officers in (I didn't catch the state) washing the feet of black protestors as a sign of faith and reconciliation. Emer Fudd and Yosemite Sam have had their guns confiscated in the new Looney Tunes reboot and now we see Elmer chasing that waskely wabbit with a large sythe and trying to blow him up with dynamite sticks and boxes of TNT? I need to quit watching TV and participating on social media.....


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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My mom's parents came to Canada with their suitcases and homesteaded. Started with nothing and worked hard for everything.
Eventually owned a farm and one of the most famous old country corner stores for a few years, that's right, Weasel Creek.
My dad's grandparents came here with the same amount, nothin!
They eventually had a couple farms and the local sawmill.
Logged by hand with horses.

This whiney world sucks.
We got power on the farm when I was nine, running water I was 11.
My grandfather and my dad dug the tamarack powerpoles by hand.
I remember the poles on the saw horses getting painted,had the coolest poles, red and white candy cane spiral.
We were dirt farmer poor.
First time my now wife met my mom she asked if I was full of it.
Mom just said no that is true.
Mom is dam proud of where our family is at and she sometimes says "if only my mother could see how life has changed".

I left home with about five sets of clothes when I was 18 after grade 12.
Walked/bussed to work until I got my brother's car.
I have a very passionate hate for lazy bastards who want what will belong to my children, be it my land or guns.
Fawkem all......
Learn what working for your chit means.
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Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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The black activists and progressive politicians who promote this “white privilege” nonsense of course misunderstand the concept. They don’t understand the difference between privilege and prosperity. White people are not “privileged “. They’re prosperous. They’re prosperous because they understand that Effort and a work ethic have rewards in a capitalist society. They understand that being individually responsible and industrious is the key to success and prosperity. Black people that understand this are equally as prosperous.
The ones that aren’t, both black and white, feel that their position in society is because others are keeping them down, Discriminating against them. They don’t see their lack of initiative and education as the cause of their problems. It’s never their fault, and their solution is more government money handed to them either directly or in the form of programs that serve to Cause dependence on social assistance instead of promoting initiative.
If the Wealthiest 20% of the Population were magically swapped with the poorest 20%, in no time, the wealthiest would again be prosperous and the poorest would spend their way back to the bottom. It’s attitude and initiative that produces success in western society, not excuses about ethnicity and lack of ambition.


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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The black activists and progressive politicians who promote this “white privilege” nonsense of course misunderstand the concept. They don’t understand the difference between privilege and prosperity. White people are not “privileged “. They’re prosperous. They’re prosperous because they understand that Effort and a work ethic have rewards in a capitalist society. They understand that being individually responsible and industrious is the key to success and prosperity. Black people that understand this are equally as prosperous.
The ones that aren’t, both black and white, feel that their position in society is because others are keeping them down, Discriminating against them. They don’t see their lack of initiative and education as the cause of their problems. It’s never their fault, and their solution is more government money handed to them either directly or in the form of programs that serve to Cause dependence on social assistance instead of promoting initiative.
If the Wealthiest 20% of the Population were magically swapped with the poorest 20%, in no time, the wealthiest would again be prosperous and the poorest would spend their way back to the bottom. It’s attitude and initiative that produces success in western society, not excuses about ethnicity and lack of ambition.

Oh ya you will get the racist brand in public for that. lol
Well said!!!!!!!!


Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2008
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Fernie, BC
The black activists and progressive politicians who promote this “white privilege” nonsense of course misunderstand the concept. They don’t understand the difference between privilege and prosperity. White people are not “privileged “. They’re prosperous. They’re prosperous because they understand that Effort and a work ethic have rewards in a capitalist society. They understand that being individually responsible and industrious is the key to success and prosperity. Black people that understand this are equally as prosperous.
The ones that aren’t, both black and white, feel that their position in society is because others are keeping them down, Discriminating against them. They don’t see their lack of initiative and education as the cause of their problems. It’s never their fault, and their solution is more government money handed to them either directly or in the form of programs that serve to Cause dependence on social assistance instead of promoting initiative.
If the Wealthiest 20% of the Population were magically swapped with the poorest 20%, in no time, the wealthiest would again be prosperous and the poorest would spend their way back to the bottom. It’s attitude and initiative that produces success in western society, not excuses about ethnicity and lack of ambition.

A big thumbs up to this comment.


Active VIP Member
Dec 31, 2008
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The only one who I know that has "white privilege" is our fearless leader, Justin Trudeau. Someone who has accomplished nothing on his own while living off the back of his Pos father. How this stupid fawking man became priminister still blows my mind. He may feel the need to bow down for the racist blackface costumes, I however do not. People of color in Canada have had the same opportunity every canadian has as far as I'm concerned. Hard work is what makes anyone successful. The left bitching and moaning is just because they don't have the work ethic to go out and get it on there own.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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The only one who I know that has "white privilege" is our fearless leader, Justin Trudeau. Someone who has accomplished nothing on his own while living off the back of his Pos father. How this stupid fawking man became priminister still blows my mind. He may feel the need to bow down for the racist blackface costumes, I however do not. People of color in Canada have had the same opportunity every canadian has as far as I'm concerned. Hard work is what makes anyone successful. The left bitching and moaning is just because they don't have the work ethic to go out and get it on there own.
Yes but by walking 2 blocks with 10 bodyguards and a black MP and kneeling for 2 minutes at a protest rally he has cleansed himself of any white privilege he ever had. Because camera's filmed the whole thing on his bought and paid for national media


Active VIP Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Grande Prairie
Yes but by walking 2 blocks with 10 bodyguards and a black MP and kneeling for 2 minutes at a protest rally he has cleansed himself of any white privilege he ever had. Because camera's filmed the whole thing on his bought and paid for national media
And what are the odds that those bodyguards weren't carrying? Certainly not "banned" firearms, but they were carrying.
Sorry to derail.


Active VIP Member
May 4, 2020
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I feel like I’m in a dream with how mentally ill our society has become, trying to stay positive and keep the nutjobs away from any aspect of my life, but how long till all of us are destroyed.
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