Here's how the first 850 900 POLARiS FacToRY turbo setting s will look like

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Ok after crunching number for the 850 factory turbo setting would be as follows sea level 165 HP... 9000 ft 121hp... So size 8 TuRBoo with 5.5 psi boosT housing ( guTs ) 8 times 5.5 ~ 44HP now 9000foot settings hP =121 + 44hp boost = 165 so yes PoLaRiS can find there own way up the mountain and go beyond 8000 ft while still making compensated 165 hp to 9000 ft... Applying the same math Ta a POLARiS 900 factory TuRBoo at sea level 170 hp and at 9000 FT settings 126 Hp + 44 hp boost = 170 hp so Polaris is still in the perimeter s of the MoToR and VoLumetric eFFicencY has been Balanced and achieVed in the TuRBO with the aboVe settings of both the 850 900 TuRBoo motor and could and can be PoSSaBLE to offer a WaRRanTY with so going forward the neXt 5 years will and should be a good time for consumers to BenifiT from the competing companYs ... BRP catches wind of what I jusT said ABoVE and POLARiS listens it will MaKE or BreaK a BiLLioN DoLLaR CoMPaNY buT hopefully it will be good for all those InVoLVeD. I've owned 4 Polaris luved my 2 nd and 4 Polaris and then moved Ta ski - Doo and haVe never looked back my neXT and onlY sled I will ever buY will be a facTorY turbo 850, 900 the warranty is not reallY a big concern because it's my responsibility aT the end of day THaNKs and HaPPy NeW year ... StaY safe.. . This posT couLd self DiSTrucT at anY moment ... Impossibility DeFeaTeda.... Lance ARMSTRoNG would be Proud ... We all haVe FLaWes ... CooLBeaNs ... Back in the daY snoPro and I share a room separate beds anYhoo I talked his ear off and between the 2 of us came up with an idea of a 16 wide Track ... Well snopro who was connected to BRP tooK that info to head office and kK - banG we all ride 16 wide ski-Doo s .. The point I'm trying to make is that each one of can make a difference ... Face youR FeaR iT loses iTs PoweR ... beeP !! beeP !!! QuoTe from GaRReT Turbo s... u lose 3% for every 1000 ft of eleVaTioN ... HoTSaucE !!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Ok after crunching number for the 850 factory turbo setting would be as follows sea level 165 HP... 9000 ft 121hp... So size 8 TuRBoo with 5.5 psi boosT housing ( guTs ) 8 times 5.5 ~ 44HP now 9000foot settings hP =121 + 44hp boost = 165 so yes PoLaRiS can find there own way up the mountain and go beyond 8000 ft while still making compensated 165 hp to 9000 ft... Applying the same math Ta a POLARiS 900 factory TuRBoo at sea level 170 hp and at 9000 FT settings 126 Hp + 44 hp boost = 170 hp so Polaris is still in the perimeter s of the MoToR and VoLumetric eFFicencY has been Balanced and achieVed in the TuRBO with the aboVe settings of both the 850 900 TuRBoo motor and could and can be PoSSaBLE to offer a WaRRanTY with so going forward the neXt 5 years will and should be a good time for consumers to BenifiT from the competing companYs ... BRP catches wind of what I jusT said ABoVE and POLARiS listens it will MaKE or BreaK a BiLLioN DoLLaR CoMPaNY buT hopefully it will be good for all those InVoLVeD. I've owned 4 Polaris luved my 2 nd and 4 Polaris and then moved Ta ski - Doo and haVe never looked back my neXT and onlY sled I will ever buY will be a facTorY turbo 850, 900 the warranty is not reallY a big concern because it's my responsibility aT the end of day THaNKs and HaPPy NeW year ... StaY safe.. . This posT couLd self DiSTrucT at anY moment ... Impossibility DeFeaTeda.... Lance ARMSTRoNG would be Proud ... We all haVe FLaWes ... CooLBeaNs ... Back in the daY snoPro and I share a room separate beds anYhoo I talked his ear off and between the 2 of us came up with an idea of a 16 wide Track ... Well snopro who was connected to BRP tooK that info to head office and kK - banG we all ride 16 wide ski-Doo s .. The point I'm trying to make is that each one of can make a difference ... Face youR FeaR iT loses iTs PoweR ... beeP !! beeP !!! QuoTe from GaRReT Turbo s... u lose 3% for every 1000 ft of eleVaTioN ... HoTSaucE !!
HeY just THiNK OUTSiDE the BoxXx ... Snow TraxXx are ya going deeP !! ALoHa !!!
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