

Active VIP Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Northern BC
I know a lot of peeps on here are very pro-Harper so I am asking that group if any of you are feeling any unease at what he and his government have been doing over the last year or so? I'm referring to weakening of the environmental laws, trying to arrange a trade deal with the Chinese that will give their companies the same rights as your company here on Canadian soil and just recently changing legislation so the NEB can "invite" whoever they want to be heard at any public consultations concerning any upcoming projects such as pipelines. Am I missing something here or is he trying to remove some of our basic rights as Canadian citizens without any public consultation whatsoever?????


Active VIP Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Northern Alberta
Not quite sure what you're getting at with the NEB inviting whoever they want to public consultations - they're "public consultations". Anyone with questions or concerns is able to address the matter via appropriate means when the time comes.

With foreign companies being given equal rights as Canadian companies, I presume you are referring to state owned enterprises (SOE) taking over the oil and gas industry? Harper has actually virtually put a stop to all take overs dealing with the oil sands from SOE's. Only minority interest stakes will be considered for approval. Those that already exist typically operate under Canadian subsidiaries of the larger SOE company. Yes, this means equal treatment compared to other Canadian companies, however this also includes paying income tax, royalties, and complying with our regulations - all good Canadian business practices.

Personally - I think he's on the right track. The only concern of mine is around foreign workers. Companies are pushing for more foreign workers rather than trying harder to attract and retain the talent that exists at home currently. Hopefully we don't see things go this way. A change in the skill level, education level, and abilities of the immigrants we do take each year is a much needed alteration already being implemented however.


Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Prince George
I don't think you'll find to many anti Harper people here. He is from Alberta you know. I'm pretty sure that anything Harper does to keep them working will keep him at the top of their totem pole.

I know a lot of peeps on here are very pro-Harper so I am asking that group if any of you are feeling any unease at what he and his government have been doing over the last year or so? I'm referring to weakening of the environmental laws, trying to arrange a trade deal with the Chinese that will give their companies the same rights as your company here on Canadian soil and just recently changing legislation so the NEB can "invite" whoever they want to be heard at any public consultations concerning any upcoming projects such as pipelines. Am I missing something here or is he trying to remove some of our basic rights as Canadian citizens without any public consultation whatsoever?????


Active VIP Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Northern BC
The CBC reported this morning that the government has passed legislation that allows the NEB to decide who they will hear at the public consultations on projects such as pipelines, so I am thinking that this is correct? Wasn't sure about all the particulars concerning the trade deal, but I don't like the thought of a state owned/foreign owned company having the same rights as I have in this country where I have lived and payed taxes all my life. Yes the foreign workers is an issue I forgot to mention here. I live right close to the mine that hired 200 Chinese workers instead of Canadians, I have friends in Tumbler Ridge who were directly affected by this, not good. One of the coal mines in the Chetwynd area (Walter Energy) is closing shop at the end of the month so there is a huge amount of miners in this area who will be watching these Chinese miners working the jobs they should be doing. Canada is doing very well compared to a lot of the others in the world and for sure that is due in part to our federal government and its policies, but I sometimes wonder if we are giving away to much to get that.


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
It was foreign immigrants who opened up this country and they seemed to have done a pretty good job. I am sure it will all work out with Mr. Harper at the helm.

byronkentgraham has a pretty good point.


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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The CBC reported this morning that the government has passed legislation that allows the NEB to decide who they will hear at the public consultations on projects such as pipelines, so I am thinking that this is correct? Wasn't sure about all the particulars concerning the trade deal, but I don't like the thought of a state owned/foreign owned company having the same rights as I have in this country where I have lived and payed taxes all my life. Yes the foreign workers is an issue I forgot to mention here. I live right close to the mine that hired 200 Chinese workers instead of Canadians, I have friends in Tumbler Ridge who were directly affected by this, not good. One of the coal mines in the Chetwynd area (Walter Energy) is closing shop at the end of the month so there is a huge amount of miners in this area who will be watching these Chinese miners working the jobs they should be doing. Canada is doing very well compared to a lot of the others in the world and for sure that is due in part to our federal government and its policies, but I sometimes wonder if we are giving away to much to get that.

The reason everybody brings in the foreign workers is because nobody wants to work anymore. Sure they all say they do. But not till a foreign worker gas the job. Then if they get the job offered they cry u cant work for that how can I afford my new jacked up pimped out 4x4 and boat and sleds and qaud and 4000 square foot house.
Get on the other side of the story before you start blasting foreign workers. Try to run a business that you can't find anyone to work at. McDonald's in drayton starts people at around 12+ an hr as does the timmies barely even see any kids in there after school because they don't even apply.
The same people that cry about foreign workers are usually the same people crying when a business closes because they couldn't find any employees
Basically just saying bringing in foreign is a royal pita but needs to be done because no other option anymore. If you live in Canada and are unemployed is either because your to lazy to work or disabled. IMO no excuse to be unemployed in this country


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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The reason everybody brings in the foreign workers is because nobody wants to work anymore. Sure they all say they do. But not till a foreign worker gas the job. Then if they get the job offered they cry u cant work for that how can I afford my new jacked up pimped out 4x4 and boat and sleds and qaud and 4000 square foot house.
Get on the other side of the story before you start blasting foreign workers. Try to run a business that you can't find anyone to work at. McDonald's in drayton starts people at around 12+ an hr as does the timmies barely even see any kids in there after school because they don't even apply.
The same people that cry about foreign workers are usually the same people crying when a business closes because they couldn't find any employees
Basically just saying bringing in foreign is a royal pita but needs to be done because no other option anymore. If you live in Canada and are unemployed is either because your to lazy to work or disabled. IMO no excuse to be unemployed in this country

I agree 100%. Alot of todays youth feels they should be paid $30/hour and start at the top. They come when they want and do as they please. Alot of parents baby there kids and shield them from lifes skills. They use the excuse that they don't want there kids to have to go through hardships like they did? Fawk! Thats what built this country. Hardships reap reward. The only people that know what it takes to be successful are the previous generations. At least that is what I have seen in today's world.:twocents:


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
I agree 100%. Alot of todays youth feels they should be paid $30/hour and start at the top. They come when they want and do as they please. Alot of parents baby there kids and shield them from lifes skills. They use the excuse that they don't want there kids to have to go through hardships like they did? Fawk! Thats what built this country. Hardships reap reward. The only people that know what it takes to be successful are the previous generations. At least that is what I have seen in today's world.:twocents:

I only agree 50%. I see some of the industry side of this issue, and to a large extent industry (the one I'm in anyway) doesn't want the hassle and expense of training Canadians to do some of these more technical jobs. It's stupid because they usually end up having to train the foreign workers anyway.

About young people today, again I agree 50%. My wife was managing a fast food restaurant locally a few years ago, putting in 60 hour weeks on salary trying to straighten out the mess the last guy had left behind. About half the local girls that worked there thought they could just stand around and get payed to look pretty....but the other half were genuinely hard workers that appreciated their jobs. She got rid of the fashion queens pretty quick. Along comes the parent company hiring foreign workers, and every one of them were very good. Actually made her job a lot less frustrating and allowed her time to breath again. She gets the place turning a profit again, and the parent company gets greedy. Figures the foreign workers are working out so well they'll replace her with one. She loses her job to someone who'll do it for a dollar less an hour. She was only making a monthly salary based on $14 an hour, 40 hour weeks to run the place. If you figured the actual hours she was putting in........well, you get the idea. She wins a wrongfull dismissal suit and moves on with her life. You could fire a cannon in that place since then and not hit anybody. The foreign worker manager had no idea what he was doing. A year later they try to hire her back. She politely declines.

Hmmmm.....that was a long story. Sorry about that. :d


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
Ken, I fully agree with you on this. A cousin of mine works in the oil business and always brags that he wont get out of bed for less than $500/day and he is only 26 years old. Wonder how he will feel about his salary by the time he gets to be 40? I am not saying a lot of youth dont / wont work hard but the salaries being thrown out there for their age group is nuts. My daughter's boyfriend quit working for his dad here in the Okanagan making $26/hr at 21 years old and went to Ft St. John in December and got a job starting at $525/day and now I believe he is over $600.00. These salaries are far beyond the average household income.

I agree 100%. Alot of todays youth feels they should be paid $30/hour and start at the top. They come when they want and do as they please. Alot of parents baby there kids and shield them from lifes skills. They use the excuse that they don't want there kids to have to go through hardships like they did? Fawk! Thats what built this country. Hardships reap reward. The only people that know what it takes to be successful are the previous generations. At least that is what I have seen in today's world.:twocents:


Active VIP Member
Apr 22, 2011
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High Prairie
The CBC reported this morning that the government has passed legislation that allows the NEB to decide who they will hear at the public consultations on projects such as pipelines, so I am thinking that this is correct? Wasn't sure about all the particulars concerning the trade deal, but I don't like the thought of a state owned/foreign owned company having the same rights as I have in this country where I have lived and payed taxes all my life. Yes the foreign workers is an issue I forgot to mention here. I live right close to the mine that hired 200 Chinese workers instead of Canadians, I have friends in Tumbler Ridge who were directly affected by this, not good. One of the coal mines in the Chetwynd area (Walter Energy) is closing shop at the end of the month so there is a huge amount of miners in this area who will be watching these Chinese miners working the jobs they should be doing. Canada is doing very well compared to a lot of the others in the world and for sure that is due in part to our federal government and its policies, but I sometimes wonder if we are giving away to much to get that.

YOur right though... foreign (CHINA) owning companies scares the crap out of me... foreign works do not... my understanding is companies have to prove that no one applied then they can hire them... im sure in a few years the foreign works will get smart and sue us all for something with the help of big unions as they really are the ones that loose on these big projects... and as good canadians we will pay

tell me if I am wrong but what is the benefit to Canadians if a foreign owned mine/company, hires foreign workers exports our natural resource back home with a "great deal" cut in royalties???? are we stupid or what?!

Like everything else there will be some kind of environmental clean up and monitoring forever required in the end... Think the foreign company that's extracted everything cares???? nope we Canadian tax payers will get the big bill...
Last edited:


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
this is why Harper would not get my vote in the next election - not sure who would but I have time to figure that out :confused:

Today, Nov. 1, Prime Minister Harper intends to commit Canada to the most sweeping treaty to happen in our lifetime — the Canada-China FIPA — and if it goes through then China’s companies can sue Canadian governments (federal, provincial and municipal) in secret tribunals functioning outside the Canadian court system. And they will… Chinese corporations are already suing Belgium, which has a treaty, for $2 billion, and the U.S., too.
As if getting sued, giving away Canadian sovereignty, and secret tribunals are not bad enough, this treaty will lock us into this treatment for 31 years, making it possible for China’s companies to challenge Canadian laws that create jobs, protect our environment and build healthy communities with billion-dollar lawsuits that would cost taxpayers dearly. China is a country known for its human rights violations, so when they start calling the shots, we’ll be no better than a colony.
Why isn’t this treaty being debated in Parliament? Is this democracy Chinese-style?

YOur right though... foreign (CHINA) owning companies scares the crap out of me... foreign works do not... my understanding is companies have to prove that no one applied then they can hire them... im sure in a few years the foreign works will get smart and sue us all for something with the help of big unions as they really are the ones that loose on these big projects... and as good canadians we will pay


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
my understanding is companies have to prove that no one applied then they can hire them...

Trouble is companies have been purposely sidestepping that rule for years. As in my previous post, they've even terminated Canadians to replace them with foreign workers. RBC was the latest one in the news. Foreign worker program was never meant to be applied the way it has been.

this is why Harper would not get my vote in the next election - not sure who would but I have time to figure that out :confused:

Today, Nov. 1, Prime Minister Harper intends to commit Canada to the most sweeping treaty to happen in our lifetime — the Canada-China FIPA — and if it goes through then China’s companies can sue Canadian governments (federal, provincial and municipal) in secret tribunals functioning outside the Canadian court system. And they will… Chinese corporations are already suing Belgium, which has a treaty, for $2 billion, and the U.S., too.
As if getting sued, giving away Canadian sovereignty, and secret tribunals are not bad enough, this treaty will lock us into this treatment for 31 years, making it possible for China’s companies to challenge Canadian laws that create jobs, protect our environment and build healthy communities with billion-dollar lawsuits that would cost taxpayers dearly. China is a country known for its human rights violations, so when they start calling the shots, we’ll be no better than a colony.
Why isn’t this treaty being debated in Parliament? Is this democracy Chinese-style?

Be interested in the source for this before I form an opinion.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
google Canada - China FIPA

This is scheduled to be voted into law this month I believe.

Trouble is companies have been purposely sidestepping that rule for years. As in my previous post, they've even terminated Canadians to replace them with foreign workers. RBC was the latest one in the news. Foreign worker program was never meant to be applied the way it has been.

Be interested in the source for this before I form an opinion.


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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Why are we doing business with a communist country that has no problem with putting lead in the paint on our children's toys or melamine in the food for our innocent pets? They don't give a ch!t about their own people and care even less about ours... But money rules and the fact that we are opening ourselves up to a country that runs humans over in the streets with tanks doesn't scare our politicians. Scary as hell...

So who are the politicians against FIPA and how do we get our voice heard before it is too late??


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
Why are we doing business with a communist country that has no problem with putting lead in the paint on our children's toys or melamine in the food for our innocent pets? They don't give a ch!t about their own people and care even less about ours... But money rules and the fact that we are opening ourselves up to a country that runs humans over in the streets with tanks doesn't scare our politicians. Scary as hell...

So who are the politicians against FIPA and how do we get our voice heard before it is too late??
It is probably already too late. The corporations that are running the country want this to pass so it will.
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