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  1. S

    Texting while riding a motorcycle....

    I agree man.... the whole reason I got a bike in the first place is to leave behind all the stress of work for a few hours. If I'm not focused on the road it's only cause I'm staring at a great pair of T**S for a sec.
  2. S

    Ideas on how to collect payment from a dead beat customer...

    I'm a contractor and this topic comes up a lot in my life. It has made me really hate some people. I started using a website that is a blacklist for jerk offs like this. I used it twice this year to help me get my money. The 1 douche bag paid me as soon as I told him I filed a report about...
  3. S

    What's up guys

    I'm new here. I drive dump trucks at work but after work I ride a Bitchn R1!
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