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  1. twinpeaks3

    Any Good News for Economy ??

    Re: Any Good New for Economy ?? Well I ve been saving up just in case this happens. Thats why I've been busy emptying all those beer cans listening to all the doom and gloom and stashing them in the garage. Think I got it covered:) Yup to much doom and gloom in the news making the mood worse...
  2. twinpeaks3

    750 brute force

    Garryese I did read the entire thread. Just wasn't sure if he actually had a compression tester on it, is there an issue with the compression tester. Other than bending valves it seems unlikely to loose compression on both cylinders at once.Checking valve lash should tell you if you bent a...
  3. twinpeaks3

    750 brute force

    So did you check the plugs? Is there fuel in the oil? Have you checked spark. When your spinning it over can you feel pulses out of the exaust. Don't know about 750s but some 700s have leaked fuel past the needle and seat and flood out to the point of getting gas in the oil and depending if an...
  4. twinpeaks3

    750 brute force

    So why not pull one valve cover and make sure the valves are moving. Then check valve lash. If its in the ballpark and you haven't set them since this all started they are fine. Now slowly pull it overwatching when the intake valve closes stlop pull a plug and see where that cylinders piston is...
  5. twinpeaks3

    Cut off Tests

    I got mine running a light tan. Heard a lot of talk about that but I think thats all it is.... alot of talk. I'd say your way lean be careful not to hurt it. I think the additive thing is more applicable to 2 stroke guys that are jetting it right on the edge.
  6. twinpeaks3

    Best tire repair product when on the trail???

    All good stuff to carry but also a couple feet of haywire, needlenose, and a nail sharpend on the grinder. If you get a sidewall slice in the tire sew the gash closed enough so you can fill the hole with plugs. Put a plug in the hole where the wire goes threw the tire to.
  7. twinpeaks3

    belts not cheap

    Put a dial gauge on the clutches and see how much runout you have. These are stock Kawi belts not aftermarkets right? How many miles on the bike? How long did the origanal belt last? Other than the belt everything else is good? performance is where it should be, doesn't seem a little slow ?
  8. twinpeaks3

    Busted front fenders

    I used thick plastick and poprivets with backing washers on my Twinpeaks. Cold weather is brutal on plastic if you try and flex it but I'll live with a little carnage so I can ride all winter.
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