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  1. J

    three word story

    Good after sex!
  2. J

    The Alberta SRD

    absolutly, I accually like chewing up the trail! Booze on the trail is courage in a can, can sometimes be a little too much courage in that can. cheers!
  3. J

    polaris 1" receiver

    I've got that same receiver. I think I might just pad the sides with a couple pieces of 1/8 steel, stitch weld them in there and ream the holes through. Esentually increasing the wall thickness on the side. Budda bing
  4. J

    Added armor

    :oops: Worth a thousand words right?
  5. J

    Added armor

    I lined the front fenders with some 18 gauge aluminum check/plt last night. It's a good idea to protect yourself from getting lanced in the leg. Almost happened to me last year out in nordegg. It's tough and looks pretty sick too.
  6. J

    Cardinal divide

    I'm heading out to cadomin in October. Does anyone know if you can access the cardinal divide trail via atv? If so, where is a good place to start?
  7. J

    New guy onboard

    Lots of great info on this site, I am currently planning a trip to cadomin (box canyon/ ruby falls) I ride a Polaris 500, got me a 2000 gmc Sierra and a dog named kiwi. My fall quading trips are definatly my favourite! Go hard or go home! L8r
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