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  1. duffy99

    Dirt Bike Storage

    I live in a condo in edmonton, I just started riding and need a place to store my bike, I don't have a truck either. Any suggestions besides make friends with someone with a back yard. I was hoping maybe I could store it at a place where you can ride too. I'm brand new to riding dirt bikes so...
  2. duffy99

    Edmonton area dirt bike trails

    Hi , I read the other thread about places to ride around Edmonton and was wondering which would be a good place for a person just learning to ride?
  3. duffy99

    New to the site , riding

    Hi I've been lurking around the site for a few weeks so decided to join. I've just started riding dirt bikes. Which at 29 is a new thing for me , I got a 1983 rm 125 which I bought cheap . I rode it 5 minutes and then it died, I didn't know anything about dirt bikes so I bought the manual...
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