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  1. M

    151 on a 98 summitx

    thanks, i was thinking that it would have to be, just wanted to make sure.
  2. M

    151 on a 98 summitx

    I have another question from the noob (me). Does the track I get have to have all the windows open and fully clipped to run the eight tooth extro drivers?
  3. M

    151 on a 98 summitx

    thanks for the information everybody. At this point in time I would rather not do a D&R on it. I have no issue doing it, I just don't want to put the effort into this sled. I'm really just trying to make it work a little bit better for two more seasons, I will be able to upgrade into a lot...
  4. M

    151 on a 98 summitx

    Everything I have read has said that 8 tooth drivers will work for a 2", anything longer and a drop and roll is needed.
  5. M

    151 on a 98 summitx

    I have a 1998 670 summit-x that I want to put a 151x2 track on. I know I need to get a set of 8 tooth drivers, rail extensions, and a tunnel extension. I am fairly new to sledding and would like some advice on what parts to get. WPS has everything in there catalog i believe so that would...
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