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  1. Red Mtn Riders

    Avalanche Air Bag

    If an avalanche slams you into a tree, that bag is not going to save you, it isn't even going to slow you down. Buying an airbag backpack because you think it will help save you in the event of trauma isn't very realistic if you are honest with yourself about the amount of power even the...
  2. Red Mtn Riders

    christopher gets STUCK, and calls S&R

    When you read about how quickly and easily S&R extricated his sled, you have to seriously wonder about his judgement. There were three of them, he didn't even TRY to dig the sled out, that is truely pathetic. I called S&R once early in my Mtn riding days. The guy I was riding with was in a...
  3. Red Mtn Riders

    christopher gets STUCK, and calls S&R

    The whole thing is a huge comedy of errors. This from a guy who runs what was once the largest snowmobile site in the world. Three guys stuck on the trail, no wonder SW is shedding members by the thousands. He claims to have posted the ordeal in order to learn. His solution is to bring even...
  4. Red Mtn Riders

    Avalanche Air Bag

    Both my riding partner and I have had the ABS packs now for five seasons of riding. He accidentally released his one time when the handle caught on the handlebar hook of his sled. Other than actually pulling the trigger, I seriously doubt you can accidentally set one off. Considering the...
  5. Red Mtn Riders

    Avalanche Air Bag

    I have had the ABS for five years now. At the time it was the only game in town. I still think it is the best for a couple reasons. It is filled with nitrogen. The reason for this is that nitrogen is more reliable than regular air in cold weather. Since I mostly ride during the winter, I figured...
  6. Red Mtn Riders

    turbo 800 ho cat

    They usually switch to a lower compression '09 head. Never seen anybody do a turbo on top of the '10 head. That would be race gas for sure. Doesn't hurt a thing though to swap the heads out, works perfectly from what I have seen.
  7. Red Mtn Riders

    Snow and Mud 1 Time usage fee

    So you guys wanting to donate are all on the internet right? Why not just go directly to CAC and make a donation? Why does it have to involve S&M at all? Why does it even have to be discused here? OHHH thats right, donation recognition rediculous. Just do what you feel you need/want...
  8. Red Mtn Riders

    Snow and Mud 1 Time usage fee

    Ummmm, I don't live or ride in Canada. I am probably a minority in that respect but I prefer to send my money to the CAIC (Colorado Avalanch Information Center);)
  9. Red Mtn Riders

    Gonna climb some chutes

    Ridgway Colorado. Lots of knarly stuff down here. The vast majority of them though peak and drop off the other side. Tell me that wouldn't make for some nice video though, 1500 vertical climb followed by a 200 ft cornice drop:d I rode with a guy on a 910 CMX a couple years ago near the...
  10. Red Mtn Riders

    Gonna climb some chutes

    This is one of our spring rides every year. We have definately hit it, nobody can ride out though, not enough power. I look at some of these and ask myself if I REALLY want that turbo sled:beer:
  11. Red Mtn Riders

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    Re: Big Iron Shootout Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010 Ummmmm, no offense intended as I have kids your age, but in fact you do lack experience and "life" education, no matter how smart of a kid you are. Save this and read it back to yourself in 20-30 years, then tell me what you think.
  12. Red Mtn Riders

    Gonna climb some chutes

    Those are some knarly chutes! I see a couple I would try. I just need a wide spot to turn it out cause there ain't no way my stock M7 is going out the top:p
  13. Red Mtn Riders

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    Who would they charge? I have to go along with the fact that everybody on the site was there by free will.
  14. Red Mtn Riders

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    Scotty, There is already another thread SPECIFICALLY for condolences. This one is about the FALLOUT from the incident, hence the title of the thread. The fallout from this incident directly effects the rest of the sledding community in the future, that is the topic at hand. You seem unhappy...
  15. Red Mtn Riders

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    Great, just what we need. I would be careful what you wish for or the nanny state will make training, testing, licensing mandatory and expensive before you know it, all in the name of saving lives. Lives that would have not been in jepordy if people had simply used their brains.
  16. Red Mtn Riders

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    This was the fault of the individuals involved. There is no one else to blame, certainly not ozone Dave, the guy wasn't even there, it wasn't part of the event he was participating in. What irritates me is what is in this post. Not only do we already have to deal with land closures due to...
  17. Red Mtn Riders

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    The first step towards the solution is admitting the problem. You appear to be completely unwilling to do this. God help you on the mountain. You prevent things like this by not high marking a steep slope with 3-4 feet of fresh snow. You avoid this by not parking at the bottom of an avy run out...
  18. Red Mtn Riders

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    Now stick "Easily Avoidable" in front of that and you have what we saw on Turbo that day.:)
  19. Red Mtn Riders

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    Ummmm NO, you haven't seen me post that. Making things up to encite a response is unnecessay. If you are going to make a ludicrous claim like that, I would appreciate it if you could link to where I actually said such a thing.
  20. Red Mtn Riders

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    Works for me
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