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  1. keener

    Tunnel Dump TSS Can

    I just installed mine last night, its pretty loud in the garage, but we'll see what happens once the helmet is on and the track is flying by dump hole. As for cutting a hole in the tunnel, its actually super minimal. I'd be more worried about buying a used sled that has a tweaked bulkhead etc...
  2. keener

    Ground Screw on handlebars? WTF?

    I got new cork and new grips, but I re used the heaters. They're a bit more expensive to replace. Grips and corks were $20 total, not worth the hassle of trying to remove. Just be real delicate taking off the heaters. I've been running it without the ground screw so far and haven't noticed...
  3. keener

    Ground Screw on handlebars? WTF?

    Also, here are some pictures of the completed bar swap, minus that dumb little screw They about the same rise, but about 4" wider. plus there are no hooks on the end, I find that there is more usable width Compared to factory bar width
  4. keener

    Ground Screw on handlebars? WTF?

    So i was in the middle of tearing down my factory bars to do a bar swap, and came across this, Its screwed right into the bar, underneath the bar pad. I'm guessing its a ground screw for the harness?? Anybody got a answer for me? If possible i'd like to re-route this, as I don't feel like...
  5. keener

    Pics of new stuff from TSS at the Edmonton Sled show

    I've got a tunnel dump on the bus headed my way right now, i'll let ya know soon
  6. keener

    What goodies to put in battery perch location? Ideas?

    Just tryin to lighten the mood here chief, but thanks for measuring ;)
  7. keener

    custom shovel mount for 'Doo jerry can

    I'll second that. All avy response gear should always be on your person/in your back pack. That being said, carrying a second/back up shovel on your sled that can be grabbed quick for stucks etc isn't a bad idea. Beats taking your back pack off and digging out your shovel, then filling it with...
  8. keener

    What goodies to put in battery perch location? Ideas?

    Headlights are over rated.... Gotta think theres a pelican out there that will fit a six pack perfectly? Warning, extreme sled tech, who knows the dimensions of a sick pack?
  9. keener

    2014 xm gearing

    from factory, 146s are 21-49, 154s are 19-49 163s are 19-51
  10. keener

    What goodies to put in battery perch location? Ideas?

    Not sure how many of you guys ordered E-starts on your summits, but for us men with the pull starts, theres a good chunk of room where the battery usually lives. I was thinking of mounting a little pelican case in there, just for a little extra water tight storage for a camera or first aid...
  11. keener

    Corbin conditions?

    Went to corbin on saturday. not much fresh snow, but tons of surface hoar. Could make for a fairly unstable layer, have to keep an eye on it if a big storm hits soon. Amazing blue bird day though, nice n warm.
  12. keener

    Whtie Fish Montana

    Going to bring this thread back up again.... Im heading to whitefish with a couple friends this weekend, but they don't sled. I've always wanted to try sledding down there. Is anyone from this site going to be out there this weekend? Maybe you'd let a canadian sledder tag along?
  13. keener

    Still sledding around invermere/radium? Where??

    So a group of us were heading to mt. swansea to do some mtn biking on this past weekend. I noticed about a 5-10 trucks with sleds on them still. Any idea where these guys are going in the invermere/radium area??
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