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  1. L

    Lost keys at bruderhiem October 5

    Went for a Sunday ride at bruderhiem with the wife on our pilots. When I got home, much to my horror my keys were gone! Both keys had a yellow Pilsner rabbit on them and I am taking a long shot that someone may have found them. Anyone ever order keys from Honda ? I am worried as the machines...
  2. L

    New riding around near the fort????

    Are UTVs allowed there, or side by sides?
  3. L

    directions to Bruderheim quad trails?

    Is it possible to post the maps on here rather than an e-mail? And where abouts from Beoumont do you ride?
  4. L

    Looking for off road racers

    Here is a video from the last owner, what class would I fit into UTV,or a stadium lite type class.
  5. L

    Looking for off road racers

    any action on this. I have a racing Pilot and would love to race in these types of races.
  6. L

    Shipping an ATV from US to Canada

    I am looking at early July for pickup, If this fits yours,or anyone elses schedule,let me know. I understand the forms from reading them,So would you have to apply at the border on your way in, then its fairly smooth on your way back?
  7. L

    Shipping an ATV from US to Canada

    pilot pictures by cowboyra - Photobucket Here is a link to the Pilot I purchased, cool video.
  8. L

    Shipping an ATV from US to Canada

    Yes,definately interested in what broker you used. 1200.00 from ohio seems reasonable. And for the other replies, I work fairly steady, and cannot justify driving that far to pickup a machine
  9. L

    Shipping an ATV from US to Canada

    Just got a quote for fees from a broker, 333.00 for fees, then the GST,etc same as what you would pay at the border. Shipping from Illinois is 1048.00, so I think this is very reasonable. I will update after I get everything done for others reference.
  10. L

    Shipping an ATV from US to Canada

    I tried the search, and found many references to buying in the US and bringing it back yourself,but none were a person had it shipped. I did this several years ago, but the seller took care of the broker, and used JC motors for shipping. Anyone use a brokerage in Edmonton for this, Its to...
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