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    Swamped 08 Ford F250.

    Well, long story short, I got my truck stuck in a deeper then I remember it hole. Water was about 6" deep in the cab and the truck died. Got it out and had it towed to the dealer because it wouldn't start after we let it dry out a little. The dealer isn't going to look at it till Monday...

    Sled rental near kamloops?

    I am going to school in Kamloops and a bunch of non snowmobiling friends down here want to rent sleds and go for a ride. I don't ride down here, and don't even keep a vehicle to transport a sled. Does anyone know of anywhere we could rent some sleds right at a trail head near Kamloops...

    Any one on here from the Smithers Area

    Just wondering if anyone on here is from the Smithers area? I grew up there and still spend half my time there. If so, what do you ride? Thanks, Jason E

    Another New Member

    Hi All, I just joined, but have been sledding since I was five. I live in Smithers, BC, but I am just finishing my schooling in Kamloops. Don't know where I am going to end up come spring, but you can bet it will be in BC! Oh, and I ride an 05 600 Summit.
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