We rode the old trail into Allen on Monday. Is wasn’t for the weak at heart but we got our bikes in. Trail was whooped bad. And a lot of creeks. But we knew what we were in for. We found good snow. We ventured to the back. Rode Clemina on Tuesday after the first groom. Wasn’t spectacular but...
If you are an early season rider. It’s game on. I’ve rode in less snow. Obviously it’s still a risk. But was worth the drive for us. After avalanche alley not much for tracks. Game on. Nice to be able to get some rooms in Vale again. But hola some still want pipeline price.
Well had a day in Allan yesterday. Trail was rough but not icy. Made it back to Super Bowl. But was petty socked in so turned around there. I have definitely rode in less snow. Are conditions ideal nope. But early season riding I would say game on. Had some carnage but wasn’t due to snow...
We were really hoping to head out on Sunday or Monday to do some snowbiking. But not looking good for that. So we decided a December ride on these would have to do 🤣.
We do a snowbike trip to Whitefish once a year. It’s a lot of fun. No problem crossing the border. Of course we took a break during Covid. And like said above Hungry Horse Dam is where we ride. Lots of area to explore. Mostly tree riding but that’s what we do on the bikes.
Certainly not looking like an early start this season. I was hoping to get 3 trips in before Xmas. Looks like I’ll be lucky to get 2 in at this point. Start the snow dance.
Any word on how the trails are holding up. Are they still grooming. Big crew of us heading out tomorrow. A big variety of ppl bikes sleds kids ladies. Thx