Recent content by YFZRIDER06

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    February conditions

    On tuesday went into belle and lucille and found a bit of snow to play in nothing really to talk about, wednesday made the trip into renshaw and same thing nothing amazing. Of course leave thursday and it was snowing good in town so probably got a decent dump up top on all three, thats all i have.
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    2012 RMK assault wanting to install a glow kit

    Yeah thats correct under glow kit is normally what they are called was just wondering about wiring it in if its safe to do so on the polaris's electrical system. I ride a lot at night and like the look of the glow, nice red under the hood would look sweet and menacing
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    2012 RMK assault wanting to install a glow kit

    Was looking to get a glow kit for a 2012 RMK assault for tunnel and under hood, any one try any of the advertised styles or is there any issues a guy may run into with doing this? Any info would be appreciated.
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    so i think i broke a rule...

    Beautiful sled, would love to try one or see it heads up to the Pro's. Too bad all the snow up here in the hills is setting up and melting real nice with this mental weather were having. Plus 7 the other day.
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    Looking for a SLP dealer

    To what i understand and i could be mistaken that the SLP kits all come direct from SLP. Dealers of the line just order it from there, i went through Adrenaline Power sports in whitecourt when i got my Rmk assault and pricing was good.
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    Big guys that jump their sleds

    Well im heavier then most on this thread, running 300 with gear and backpack on and i jump. Really if you want to you just have to monitor kinds of landings make sure there more sloped properly and land smoother, practise small and get used to it. I do have a 2012 RMK assault and have the tunnel...
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    Helmet and Goggles

    Personally been using a 509 helmet with there goggles been best set up for snow for me, tried several different helmets and goggle set ups found most goggles just fog up and freeze when i ride. Going to be testing out a set of Von Zipper snow board goggles as well this year to see if theres a...
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