Truebro's latest activity

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    Truebro reacted to lilduke's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    Its bad enough you have to compete with chinese billionaires and blackrock on property. Now you have to compete with the government and...
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    Truebro reacted to lilduke's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    If these lizards have thier way, but fk them
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    Truebro replied to the thread Carbon tax.
    You will own nothing and be happy
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    Truebro reacted to lilduke's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    I wouldn't mind doing my part to make it a bit more unaffordable lol Its a global economy now. You have competition from all...
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    Truebro replied to the thread Carbon tax.
    I’ve had the privilege to work with and employ St. Lucian’s for the last couple decades. Great people- crafty, determined, hard working...
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    Truebro reacted to plio7's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    this would be like saying you were in a good relationship that turned abusive. but as long as others out there are getting beaten worse...
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    Truebro reacted to Shuswaper's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    Maybe you could flee to this latest incarnation of Argentina??? What could be better than no govt. services at all, maybe complete...
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    Truebro reacted to snopro's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
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    Truebro reacted to snopro's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
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    Truebro reacted to ABMax24's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    Same here, but when we have Canada's version of Stalin in charge that's what he does. Extorsion is what it should be called.
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    Truebro reacted to MP Kid's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    Totally agree… This is like what happened when BRP moved the majority of its manufacturing to Mexico…
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    Truebro reacted to ABMax24's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    Yup, and then give the money back with huge strings attached. Like the Billions he announced for housing yesterday that Alberta will...
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    Truebro reacted to lilduke's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    Ya its a joke, its only purpose is to steal money from you and me....
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    Truebro reacted to Caper11's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    Its a north American fad if I am not mistaken. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Truebro reacted to lilduke's post in the thread Carbon tax with Like Like.
    there is tax on everything here. dollars will go a lot farther almost any where at this point Im thinking.
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