Recent content by Summit800BRAAP

  1. Summit800BRAAP

    North Dore?

    but who is going to stop you from climbing over the back?
  2. Summit800BRAAP

    North Dore?

    that would be awesome, i would like to congradulate the tree huggers and air snugglers that worked so hard to shut us down, your doing a great job!!!:realmad::realmad::realmad:
  3. Summit800BRAAP

    North Dore?

    hahahaha goot point:d
  4. Summit800BRAAP

    North Dore?

    I know that im just making a point
  5. Summit800BRAAP

    North Dore?

    Ya enviromentalist need to find something better to do than promote to close areas like that. A map will be great and if antone actually sees a mountain cariboo post a pic, but untill then.....BRAAP BRAAP:beer:
  6. Summit800BRAAP

    assault 800 turbo

    beware race gas is killed by pump gas! if u mix 90 octane with 110 octane you dont get 100 octane, you get about 96 octane
  7. Summit800BRAAP

    Which Mountain Track is Better

    use the camoplast they make the best tracks on the market? what model is it? challenger?
  8. Summit800BRAAP

    North Dore?

    IT is closed or people are just dis-couraged to go in??
  9. Summit800BRAAP

    North Dore?

    Just wondering if anyone has wondered into the north door yet?
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