Recent content by scareybanshee

  1. S


    I know there USED to be. I went last september on my honeymoon and found they closed off a huge section we used to ride in. We stopped and asked a fish cop where we could ride:nono:(bad idea) then were directed to go past the provincial campground (not the one near all the mine roads)...
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    Hinton Atv

    Does anyone know if Hinton ATV is open on may hubby is having a REALLY hard time with his banshee. A lot of it is broken, he is "make shift" fixing it BUT needs tires. His have holes all over them. So he is about to spray ether into them, then light a match....apparently this "may"...
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    Any dirt bikes

    AHHHH, That looks SOOOOO FUN!!!!!!! I only have a little giovanni 125cc. It is perfect for my beginning skill level although.....holy crap, that looks fun slamnec! Hope I gain the skill to do that some
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    Anyone tried these?

    I think I saw them at the " St.Albert. The guy said they he had never actually seen or heard of people actually using them.(you buy the tracks, not the whole Looks.....crazy:eek:
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    What does everyone do for a career?

    I'm a full time mom of three boys (ages 3,3,4). The pay sucks but it is very fullfilling!! I also read tarot cards on the side
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    Snow&Mud Makes an Injured Girl Happy

    awe!!...what a sweet story, and what a tough little girl!
  7. S

    125cc in Bruel dunes????

    Thanx guys, I'm not going this may long, but probably shortly after and Im gonna bring my bike. Oh, talked to a few people who said the giovanni "couldn't handle paddle tires". I don't doubt it. My giovanni in 4th, is like my hubby's banshee in
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    Embarassing wipe outs!

    FINALLY got to try out my new giovanni 125cc. YEAH!!!. I rode it in a feild ALL DAY without wiping out once. My hubby was it was my first time actually riding it past second gear.....I was impressed. Then on the trip home......I'm saying, "I didn't wipe out once" all proud like:p...
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    Insurance confusion!

    No , she is well aware that it is a cheap little basicly "no name" dirt bike....a few others quoted me higher as well too??????? My driving record (I don't know if this comes into play here?) is MUCH better than his as well...I dunno, or understand.?? I'm still shopping around, just confused as...
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    Thanx, this sounds like it is still very much worth going back! Now I'm exited:D
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    Insurance confusion!

    So I go to get a quote on insuring my hubbies banshee and my little gio dirt bike.......his cost him about $8000 to buy, mine cost about $500.....His insurance was quoted $150 less than mine...WHY is my bike $150 more to insure that his quad???? The Insurance lady said...and I quote, "because...
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    I Get my bike today!!!

    It actually runs pretty good, although I haven't had a very long oppertunity to ride yet...still waiting for a sitter to become available:( but I'll let ya know when I really get to test it out! Oh, and yes, they do have 250's that are going for about $500-$800 on ebay right now. I think it is...
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    "Easy" trails around Edmonton?

    Where in Alberta beach??? I tryed outside of my backyard in the alley....that didn't go over very well, luckily though we pulled into the garage moments before the police cruised by...think I need a better place to try it out:/
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    Bruel Dunes

    Does anyone know if this is "crown" land? Me and my fiancee are eloping(kinda) this summer and want to have an "untraditional" cerimony on the lake......we're gonna take off on the banshee. All our friends will join us, we want to have some awesome pics of LOTS of quaders at our wedding! Just...
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    My hubby used to frequently go quading in Cadomin, he took me once about 5 years ago and I LOVED it.....although we camped in about 3 feet of was still fun! Last year we planned on goin up there again, but arrived in the dark and it seemed like the campsite was looked like...
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