Recent content by kelwar

  1. kelwar

    surface hoar - things are changing

    I noticed the hoar frost too on boxing day and yesterday it was quite bad stuck to the small stuff all day because every time some one did a little side hill it would crack and slide about two feet down
  2. kelwar

    07 rev 800 survey

    2000 miles on mine top end went at 1700 miles
  3. kelwar

    snowest transplants

    haha dont worry i have already
  4. kelwar

    SLP LED Taillight

    I made my own custom tail light :cool: lol low beam high beam cant tell much difference in the pics but it is way brighter in person
  5. kelwar

    snowest transplants

    ive been on snowest for about 3 years now and this site about a year i think its bulsh*t how they are going to start charging for it because i go on more to read about stuff rather then post "my sleds better than your sled" :rolleyes: but i was thinkin i might join for the access to copies of...
  6. kelwar

    importing from US

    me and my dad broght back an xp and an xrs last year it was super easy .... hardest thing was taking it down to canadian tire to get inspected and as for prices i think i save about $2500 after every thing was done seeing how i only paid $6000 for it:d
  7. kelwar

    stolen from revy

    That sucks sorry to here that did you have the des keys out? if you did thats good cause they will have to spend a little more money to get them to work again! I am tempted to buy some gps tracker things and stick them on my sled so at least maybe you would be able to find the sled again.
  8. kelwar

    look what I found... Sleeping Kitty!

    wow your kid is lucky hes 13 and you buy him a sled like that i didnt get a 600 tell last year and i had to buy it my self
  9. kelwar

    Dumb question

    in alberta you actualy get a plate in bc you just get a sticker that looks like a licence plate and you are suppost to have one though
  10. kelwar

    Need advice. Damaged pipe

    cap off both end and put a valve stem in one then fill full of air and heat dented area with a torch and it should pop out
  11. kelwar

    3 arrested in deer slaying in wisconsin

    i think they should tie them up to a sled and drag them around for a while and see how they like it!
  12. kelwar

    BC Sled show

    went and seen it on friday and i am going back toay to look again i hope they do this next year this big!:d
  13. kelwar

    look at this beauty

    had one of those in the backyard for a while but alls thats left is the cool moto ski front emblem
  14. kelwar

    BC Sled show

    count me in I will be there:d
  15. kelwar

    Snowpulse Airbag vs ABS????

    I would like to get one but i dont have that much $$$ for me to spend. Why does saftey have to be so exspensive!!!!
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