Recent content by joeboo73

  1. joeboo73

    Syn. winch line ???

    super sling Nisku it is a good price too
  2. joeboo73

    Stolen '05 Ford SD3500 QC

    i wish they lit mine on fire all they did was sh*t on the seats and took my stereo
  3. joeboo73

    How bout them riders....

    Re: How bout then riders.... Some good jokes but at least us hillbillies played in the big game...... eh stampeder and esky fans
  4. joeboo73

    Buying new tires

    i use them and love them good grip
  5. joeboo73

    Edmonton Camera Locations

    but don't advertise if they can't find the info too bad. My sister and my 2 month old niece got hurt really bad because of a driver running a red light. Now think of your kids or family getting hit by someone running a red light
  6. joeboo73

    Edmonton Camera Locations

    Take the red light camera locations off. If the idiots know where they can run a red light more people will get hurt.
  7. joeboo73

    Remembrance Day

    thanks for the post and remember those who can not come back home
  8. joeboo73

    for those of you who didnt know!!!

    always used Baldwin filters since on the farm
  9. joeboo73

    We need your help

    it's a new month vote to stay at the top
  10. joeboo73

    Scam or not???

    it's only money go buy it
  11. joeboo73

    New Mud Pro... what do ya think?

    I will be there in the spring to get one, if you have any left
  12. joeboo73

    We need your help

    don't forget to vote
  13. joeboo73

    Air Cards/Internet stick

    the aircard 595 does work in sask i used it there lots
  14. joeboo73

    The most beautiful garages in the world

    thanks now i'm too depressed to work gotta go home
  15. joeboo73

    Summer compulation

    great video thanks
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