Recent content by hockk

  1. hockk

    cadomin that campground or random? any advise as to where to ride? or just point uphill and crack 'er open? lol.. and sorry i haven't ridden kakwa area
  2. hockk

    Peace River Area - Good Dirt Biking?

    yes there are lots of great areas to go biking...try to get out as often as possible..look up myself or Tee-roy.. always looking for new riding buddies
  3. hockk

    looking for an atv/camping trip for me and junior

    me and Tee-roy have gone to Grande Cache the last couple of years. Mt Hammel, and Kaw Ridge more specifically, always lots of people there, tough to get lost. but possible. All types of skill levels there. Highly recommended
  4. hockk

    if you are related to the Hockley's of southern Sask. pretty good chance we are related

    if you are related to the Hockley's of southern Sask. pretty good chance we are related
  5. hockk


    planning a trip to cadomin next year. looking for info on camping, biking, quadding in the area. not familiar with the area at all.
  6. hockk

    anyone know if athabasca has snow?

    drove through there yesterday. nothing to speak of
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