Recent content by 5 Hundy

  1. 5 Hundy

    Any riders on here from the calgary area

    Welcome, I am in Okotoks too. There are more than a few guys there that are regulars. I work 30 days on/26 days off. So I am available most of the time when I'm home. RMDRA has a few members in Okotoks and always looking for rides on that forum. Maclean isn't the easiest place to get back into...
  2. 5 Hundy

    2 stroke performance shop in Calgary??

    Dean is the owner of Goldstar engines in Okotoks. He is swamped with all kinds of small engine work due to his good work. He used to own a Yamaha dealership. For a standard rebuild you will get more attention to detail for the same price as a dealer.
  3. 5 Hundy

    Post up your riding pics!!!

    Sand or Snow anyone?
  4. 5 Hundy

    Post your 2011 season ride

    Two bikes. 2005 KTM 540SX (originally a 525SX) and a 94 CR500 (scare the buddy bike!)
  5. 5 Hundy

    looking for a cr500 engine and an aluminum frame

    Parting out 2005 CRF 450 Parting out CRF - Edmonton Motorcycle Parts, Accessories For Sale - Kijiji Edmonton Canada.
  6. 5 Hundy

    looking for a cr500 engine and an aluminum frame

    This guy has a few CR500 engines. He's in New Hampshire. sean johnson <
  7. 5 Hundy

    Wanted: 39.5mm Keihn PWK carb

    Let me know if you have a 39.5 mm Keihn PWK carburetor for sale.
  8. 5 Hundy

    looking for a cr500 engine and an aluminum frame

    Something like this is what you want to build eh?
  9. 5 Hundy

    2 stroke porting

    Click on Gallery then Tech then CR500 Engines for lots of free tech info.
  10. 5 Hundy

    2 stroke porting

    Adam at Millar Engines specializes in CR500 Hill Climbers. You will find a ton of his info on and Adam's brother hill climbing
  11. 5 Hundy

    2 stroke porting

    Adam at Millar Engines specializes in CR500 Hill Climbers in Canada. Eric Gorr is excellent of course. You will find a ton of Adam's and Eric's info on and Adam's brother hill climbing
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