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  1. D


    we were there. we lost one of our riders and we wer talking to a bunch of groups. so coudl have been you to i am not sure, did i ask you if you seen a lone rider?
  2. D


    i seen that at blue river the groomer was parked up top. but at least you are going with the traffic not against it. i should have just dealt with him then and there on the spot. that woudl have solved the problem i am sure for future riders.
  3. D


    i agree but not 3 oclock in the afternnon. what schedule is that. my point is i have never seen any other groomers on the hill before 4 and ususally after 5 so what's his problem. this is only my first source of protest. i plan to right letters to varda, the valemount newpaper and snowriders...
  4. D


    no Doug from red deer
  5. D


    i was at clemina in valmount on Friday the 23rd of Jan. for the last time. the snowcat operater is on the hill to early everyday. He was well advanced up the trail at 3 oclock. It's bad enough that he is out there earlier than any other snow cat operator in BC but the guys an idiot to boot. He...
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