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  1. C

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2018 - 2019

    Below - the guy who ruins it for everyone else.
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    Sicamous Sled Shop and Service

    Guess Dales semi-open dealership isn't looking so bad now. Sicamous/revelstoke is the mecca of mountain riding in Canada. You would think that brp would want a presence here. Frenchies
  3. C

    Eagle valley / sicamous updates 2017/18

    when its rough - go faster. just hit the tops of the bumps.
  4. C

    Eagle Pass Lookout

    Anyone with half a brain knows that it doesent have to be legal to take motorized vehicles up there.
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    Eagle Pass Lookout

    hikers complained. they think that motorized users will frequent the cabin. Mommy never taught them to share.
  6. C

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    Yeah I had you pegged. parked beside you guys at Owls.
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    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    Are you or anyone in your group running a can on your sled? noise violation! - heres your $300 ticket, come again soon!
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    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    I am worried about getting trumped up tickets by power drunk cops on my days off when I am spending my hard earned dollars in Sicamous trying to enjoy myself. I am sure some where in some law book we are all breaking some obscure law. Don't want it! What are you an ex cop?
  9. C

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    Guaranteed way to reduce riders to your club... have the RCMP camped out in the staging area. Get a ticket - people will ride somewhere else Is this your strategy for keeping the snow all to yourself?
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    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    ???!! We need less government control, not more.
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    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    Sicamous Doo dealer is done.. signs are down, looks like he going to sell Chinese stuff
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    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    Awesome... can't wait to get my first speeding ticket on the ride up!
  13. C

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    Keep the damn cops out of the cabins and the backcountry... its the only place I have left in this world without Big Brother breathing down my neck.
  14. C

    2016/17 Revelstoke Conditions

    nothin in Sicky either?Eagles?
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    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    I did the exact same "tree-motion " fix on my cheeseburger skidoo 2yrs ago. Skidoo didn't warranty the part btw
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    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2015/16

    hate to derail the avy discussion, but what are the riding conditions like out there? I have been getting conflicting information from my sources.
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    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2015/16

    I looked at Mustang and it has been saying 1700m all week. I was up last week at Blue when mustang had reported 1600m and the snow was really good. I think predictions are just computer models that can incorrect sometimes. What I was hoping for was some first hand knowledge of...
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    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2015/16

    How high did the freezing level get to? did the snow get warm up top?
  19. C

    anyone interested in becoming a better rider around dec 8

    Is Carl giving free lessons that day?
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