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  1. B

    Noise in clutch on rhino

    I had an odd sound coming from my drive belt case. Ended up that the primary sheave dust cover coming in contact with the bearing housing. It made a ticking metal to metal grinding sound. Of course the two are in closest distance from each other just off idle. Dealer told me to just file down...
  2. B

    Cutbank Falls

    Heard that the falls are not too far off the hiway. Does the trail go past the falls or end there or are there other trails in the area? A group of us are planning on heading there next weekend to do some camping and quading just want to know if there's enough trails to explore for the weekend.
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    best family unit

    I am very happy with my setup. Kris
  4. B

    GPS Waterproof

    I have the Zumo 550 it's waterproof and will take the vibration. It's not a widescreen but works very well. I was in the same boat as you NUVI 660 but it doesn't like moisture. Kris
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