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    The King of Kakwa

    the king in action
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    The King of Kakwa

    Thanks for all the info
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    The King of Kakwa

    So sounds like some people did this trip in the 90's on some old phazers and indy 500s, sounds like it could be done.... just bring loads of fuel and a tent
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    The King of Kakwa

    Yeah you never heard of him, look up riders west, had a few page champion of the Alberta Triple Crown ATV Racing Series
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    The King of Kakwa

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    The King of Kakwa

    Have you heard of The King of Kakwa's attempt to reach the peaks of the Renshaw. I for one commend him for his efforts. He is an amazing rider, you may have read about him in snow riders west about his legendary ATV racing career, he some time goes by the name Ryan D. Has any one else attempted...
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    SLP Airhorn intake kit

    ask at the dealer for the larger air horn, cant remember what sled it was off of, but your just take of the stock one and rivet in the new plastic one, the hose stays hooked up. Really easy mod and looks stock. I also put in 2 small 2'' slp flo rites in the top of my airbox on the flat part...
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    Aftermarket must haves

    The aluminum oil tank insert that prevents your oil tank from warping and spilling oil all over the place is a great cheap upgrade,,,
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    oil tank insert

    Just send him a email, and send him a payment. I got one a few weeks ago, simple idea, works great.
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    Polaris GRIPPER Skis in M anyone?

    Has anyone installed gripper skis on a M?, if so how do they work?:confused:
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    Hygear linkage kit and dual rate springs, anyone tried these?

    I have been looking at re valving and upgrading my 2008 zero pro shocks, called hygear and they recommended one of there rear linkage kits, anyone tried one of these yet?, how about there dual rate springs and add on reservoir kits. I was also thinking of just sending in my shocks to Andy at gas...
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    differnces in rear skids between 2008 and 2011

    Just wondering what changes were made to the rear float skid on a 2011 compared to a 2008, dealers are saying they are different. Never rode a new m just wondering if they really ride that much better.:confused:
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