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  1. 05 rm250 rocket

    bad ads

    have been looking for for sled in 4500 range for mountians know probaly 1000 bucks in repairs may occur but one of those stupid kijji ads almost sucked me in drives me nuts
  2. 05 rm250 rocket

    Is Al Quaida really that stupid?

    actually to someone who has worked in the aircraft industry this is very smart. the plane is pressurized when inside the cabin with a window seat you would not require much explosive material to take down a very large aircraft.the aircraft would rip apart.
  3. 05 rm250 rocket

    Grease monkey girl

    Krista , did awesome job for sport!!! Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Tapatalk 2
  4. 05 rm250 rocket

    Kingquad 750 vs Kingquad 700

    i think the king quad 700 you rode must be sick . i have rode both quads and the 700 is light night and day to 450 .
  5. 05 rm250 rocket

    well this made me chuckle

    so so so lucky !!!!!!!!!!
  6. 05 rm250 rocket

    Fire wood wanted

    Just go down to forestry office downtown Edmonton. Like $5 bucks for permit west of drayon valley lots of tamarack. Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Tapatalk
  7. 05 rm250 rocket

    best gasser for towing.

    its very simple maxwell. you are looking for a 3/4 ton chevy with a 6.0 l it burns gas but is so reliable.
  8. 05 rm250 rocket

    need help keeping mice outta boat

    fresh cab sold at ufa or coop stores cedar chips never have a mouse problem again good for rvs , trailers or any storage item mice wil not go anywhere near it.
  9. 05 rm250 rocket

    Which to buy?

    its the rider what the f&ck is that . anytime you want to ride let me know
  10. 05 rm250 rocket

    Which to buy?

    my bike is geared higher for a 2-stroke i ride with my brother 450r and unless you have raced the only difference is top end.
  11. 05 rm250 rocket

    Which to buy?

    450 4-stroke is a heavy bike yes lots of power but when learning to ride you way better off with 250 4-stroke or 250 2-stroke . i've always had 2-strokes easy to maintain and more fun than a 4-stroke as far as i'm concerned. Nothing like the feeling of powerband of a 2-stroke. i've tried my...
  12. 05 rm250 rocket

    Which to buy?

    the wide ratio is geared wider for a higher range more open trail riding. the close ratio is geared tighter like a 2-stroke more so for sand, mud and tight trails. the honda comes with a light and electric start adding to much weight as far as i am concerned 253lbs wet. the yamaha listed is kick...
  13. 05 rm250 rocket

    Best movie ever....

    "The Great Outdoors" classic john candy
  14. 05 rm250 rocket

    Humorous Kijiji Adds

    best ad yet cheers
  15. 05 rm250 rocket

    cell phone

    go to android market and download " tapatalk " snow and mud is listed it is pretty much the same as laptop
  16. 05 rm250 rocket

    air craft rivets

    go to muni or international they will have them aluminum solid rivets are 20 times stronger than a pull through rivet . round head rivets are part# "ms20470" and countersunk are "ms20426" . you will have to pay premium should not be that bad . if you need a gun and bucking bars i have everything.
  17. 05 rm250 rocket

    Opal Natural Area

    opal sand and trails are nice area to ride but is privately owned and they don't allow anyone anymore since one of there cats ran over a kids bike the family sued the owners
  18. 05 rm250 rocket

    Muriel lake area.

    Was at onetime the amazing lake butt husky oil had a 6" line killed the lake Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
  19. 05 rm250 rocket

    Slave Lake Fires

    hope everyone from slave lake is doing alright. my brother lives in westlock and right now is at the community hall volunteering he says most people are trying to stay positive. another way to help is on telus you can text "30333" message "redcross" for $5 donation tks
  20. 05 rm250 rocket

    peppers lake

    hi , looking on going to peppers lake for may long other than the campgrounds can you bush camp anywhere never been there . any other info would be appreciated. thks
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