Recent content by tekimsbro

  1. tekimsbro

    Hinton to cadomin to nordegg trail

    Anything new? Very interesting idea.
  2. tekimsbro

    Edson poker rally 2015

    Dropped a pin at the staging area. You can see the gravel pit where lots of people camp on this map. Google Maps
  3. tekimsbro

    Edson poker rally 2015

    Facebook Edson ATV club.
  4. tekimsbro

    Edson poker rally 2015

    Yes there is camping at the staging area.
  5. tekimsbro

    Edson poker rally 2015

  6. tekimsbro

    Rzr 900XP EMP Front bumper any good?

    This is the bumper. Just not sure if it is strong enough.
  7. tekimsbro

    Rzr 900XP EMP Front bumper any good?

    Anybody have anything good or bad to say about the EMP front bumper? I'm looking at the EMP Outback model. I need that brand because of where my plot mount fits, can't go with a Bd Dawg bumper.
  8. tekimsbro

    11th Annual Edson ATV Poker Rally, Sept. 13, 2014. 19km west of Edson

    ATV Staging area 19KM West of Edson, North 6KM on Swanson Road (opposite the Bickerdike Road) Registration: Friday Sept. 12 7:00 - 9:00pm Saturday Sept. 13 8:00 - 11:00am Call NORTSIDE MOTORSPORTS for additional info 780-723-6558
  9. tekimsbro

    Maverick owners please comment...

    Looking for feedback from Maverick owners after owning their machines for a while. How are the standing up in the mud/muskeg and the bush? Any upgrades recommended?? I am looking at buying a 2014.
  10. tekimsbro

    McLean Creek Trail south of Robb

    Anybody have any GPS maps of the McLean Creek Trail between Robb and Cadomin?
  11. tekimsbro

    Group mud ride

    Great videos!
  12. tekimsbro

    Best No Trade Cash Price Stock 2012 Commander XT 1000 Alberta?

    How much are guys paying for a 2012 Commander XT 1000 Stock with paint upgrade ($700)? Any mods that are recommended???
  13. tekimsbro

    Ruby Falls Sept 24 video

    Great Vid Grinder...
  14. tekimsbro

    2003 yamaha Kodiak 450 service manual

    What is your e-mail? I have a copy on my computer?
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