Recent content by Swampdonkey

  1. Swampdonkey

    Snowmobiling vrs Snowboarding/Skiing

    both I've been snowboarding for around 17 yrs, sledding for around 4yrs. It all depends what you are doing, I can ride(snowboard) on a ski hill all day and be a little wiped, or I can ride/hike all day in the backcountry for a day and be a total waste of skin. same goes for sledding, I could...
  2. Swampdonkey


    if you think you might need them, get them. cheap insurance and peace of mind, keeps your hifax in better shape, worth the few bucks imho. as far as reverse, why would you need to go backwards with them down??? lol. Tyler
  3. Swampdonkey

    Ride in Valemont Dec 3rd to 6th

    Heading up around the 5th to the 9th, couple of poos and a summit. not to sure where we're riding yet. Tyler
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