Recent content by robbiewood

  1. robbiewood

    Red deer/ rocky ride 21-25

    Hey all.... I have suddenly got the weekend free....and want to ride lol would anyone mind if I tagged along on the Hoberg ride sunday? I am heading out to Rocky sometime tomorrow (sat) So if you guys tell me where abouts you are camping and how to get there I'll meet you for a few beers and a...
  2. robbiewood

    Death At The Big Horn !

    Oh boo hoo I am "pizzin" (really are you 6?) people off...I am sorry that you react to someone who has a different point of view as yourself with outward hostility, again Pilo7 I am sorry you dont like my comments I am sorry I am not all broken up about someone riding off a cliff but in MY...
  3. robbiewood

    Death At The Big Horn !

    Bogger...I never said I was in control all the time, sheesh I have broken almost every bone in my body at one time or another from some crazy crash...HOWEVER in all that time i have never rode off a cliff, which is my point. I was just saying that as unfortunate as it is one has to question WHY...
  4. robbiewood

    Death At The Big Horn !

    Pilo7 I have never rode off a cliff if thats what you are asking...and as for not reading the trail then I would suggest you are going too fast for your abilities of course accidents happen but MOST people can avoid running out of track and trying to ride on air....the thing about cliffs as...
  5. robbiewood

    Death At The Big Horn !

    Erm....don't drive off cliffs Honestly though (and I am sure my opinon will get slated but) How stupid do you have to be to drive OFF a cliff by accident? It gives riders who have some control and can see terrain a bad name, next thing we will hear is some bleeding heart liberal calling for all...
  6. robbiewood

    How do you start your day?

    I thought I'd add mine.. 10.00 (ish) get up.. coffee and read emails / talk to dog / wife Check see what the riding conditions are Depending on the day either go ride or bust out the guitar and play for a few hours Again depending on the day head over to work for about 4 teach for a few hours...
  7. robbiewood

    Cadomin this weekend

    Again thanks
  8. robbiewood

    Cadomin this weekend

    Thanks a lot dude, appreciate the help.
  9. robbiewood

    Cadomin this weekend

    Thanks hugely is the info online?
  10. robbiewood

    Bruderheim, new provincial recreation area?

    Erm yeah its fairly obvious he is a Officer of some sort, I apologise I didnt realise that a LLB was an entry requirement, or that Police wrote the Legislation? I always thought they IMPLEMETED Legislation written by....wait for it...LAWYERS and they just presented a case to the Crown...
  11. robbiewood

    Bruderheim, new provincial recreation area?

    I have PM'd the person in question, lets see what comes of it shall we?
  12. robbiewood

    Cadomin this weekend

    Hey all, Me and a mate are heading out to cadomin this weekend for some dirtbiking shenanigans and wondered if anyone on here has rode there and looking for some local knowledge as to the best trails and camping spots etc. I know there is a hill somewhere out there called "the wall" I'd like...
  13. robbiewood

    Cadomin this weekend

    Hey all, Me and a mate are heading out to cadomin this weekend for some dirtbiking shenanigans and wondered if anyone on here has rode there and looking for some local knowledge as to the best trails and camping spots etc. I know there is a hill somewhere out there called "the wall" I'd like...
  14. robbiewood

    Looking for People to Ride With

    It was only "slick" in one spot...getting out of that first big mud hole with the tire grabbing root lmao....and yes before you come back with falling in a lake I was attacked by a manevolent underwater dwelling log!!!
  15. robbiewood

    04 cr125 wont start?

    Another thing you could / should take a look at it the CDI box which is mounted in front of the triple clamp, its a black box with wires coming out if you got it wet you may have a short, find the spark wire (comes from the stator) and check with a multimeter
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