Recent content by Pillowydrops

  1. P

    abs bag

    You'd have to get on it pretty quick, but has the BCA 30 and 36 both 20% off right now. Only hitch is they only ship to the states. Not sure if this works for you, but here's the link: Backcountry Access Float 36 Winter Backpack - 2197cu in from
  2. P

    Sled needs choke even when warm?

    Having an issue with my 07 summit 800 REV. It's got a relatively new short block in it (roughly 400k on it), but sometimes it just wont start when I'm out playing around. Yesterday it happened a couple of times that I was ripping around, came to a stop, shut it off then it wouldnt start no...
  3. P

    Gear Hub In Frenie

    We stopped in for a few things when we were in town and have to agree, great friendly service from these guys!
  4. P

    Tracker 2 problems

    I played it safe and sent my in to get the software updated. I had a short window because I was planning on riding the following weekend, so I gave them a ring to let them know about the rush and they we're awesome in accomodating me. They got it turned around super quick, paid for the...
  5. P

    Fernie Area

    Thanks for the link, that should get us exactly what we need!
  6. P

    Fernie Area

    I'm digging pretty much anywhere I go!
  7. P

    Fernie Area

    I'm actually going to be out that way the next 2 weeks, and I'm also unfamiliar with the area. The only difference is I'm a relative sled newbie, so if anyone wants to elaborate on the areas that are a little more mellow as well it would be much appreciated :)
  8. P

    BC Sled Skier Looking for Shred Friends

    Awesome man, definitely let me know if you're back in the Koots this winter. I just checked out your Youtube channel, looks like you've had some pretty epic days already!! Hoping to get a few days riding at whitewater for sure, looks like it can be a hell of a lot of fun on a pow day :d
  9. P

    BC Sled Skier Looking for Shred Friends

    I'm pretty new to sledding as well but definitely looking to get out and sled ski (... or ride rather) this winter. I'm based out of Van, but living in kootenays in a town called christina lake for a few months. Moved out there with a buddy to explore the area and ride, so if you're ever in that...
  10. P

    any weekday warriors ?

    I'm showing this to your boss right now ;) Get back to work!
  11. P

    Why Zac's

    I'll be in Fernie, but may pop down to calgary for those 2 evening sessions if there's a field session that can work out as well! Just post up when you know the dates for the field session and hopefully I can join you guys. The feedback from the course sounds great.
  12. P

    Tumbler Ridge Avy claims life

    Wow, very sorry for your loss. Of course take all the time you need.
  13. P

    Tumbler Ridge Avy claims life

    This is a tragic story indeed... Condolences to the family. Have any detailed emerged around how this was triggered and what exactly happened? Is there anything we can take from this on how to be safer out there?
  14. P

    Never Thought I Could Buy a Ski-doo until now...

    Hahahah, well played!!
  15. P

    National post article thats not bashing us !!

    That's the same section that jumped off the page to me, seems a pretty curious decision?
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