pfi572's latest activity

  • pfi572
    pfi572 replied to the thread NDP leader Steps down.. Oh boy !
  • pfi572
    pfi572 replied to the thread S Modual repair.
    S module. Suspension module. Easy change . E module. Engine module . Sucks balls . lol
  • pfi572
    pfi572 reacted to maxwell's post in the thread Shock rebuild. with Like Like.
    MB Suspension, are you sure its pooched? some guys think its pooched because it sags when the sled is on dollys
  • pfi572
    pfi572 reacted to jcjc1's post in the thread Does BEST warranty cover big gauge with Like Like.
    call your dealer and get a definitive answer. gonna suck to rely on advice from here only to find out it was bs.
  • pfi572
    pfi572 reacted to 250mark1's post in the thread S Modual repair with Like Like.
    cover your motor well and hit the huck rivets with a chisel and hammer easiest way to remove them Use bolts to replace the huck rivets
  • pfi572
    pfi572 reacted to Caper11's post in the thread Muskoka Freerider with Like Like.
    If, IMO thats a big if. If the primary actually does slip on the stub, the bolt tension will actually decrease because the primary will...
  • pfi572
    pfi572 replied to the thread Muskoka Freerider.
    They all have faults in that department. 😉 Engineering!! Still have trouble clutching/ gearing machines to not blow belts .
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