Recent content by metrod

  1. M


    if its not from WorksafeBC , I wouldn't pay any attention to it. WorksafeBC are the only government body that enforce OHS issues.
  2. M


    If you have taken WHIMIS2015 it doesn't expire. The training companies put the expiry date on them. If you take your employees and review a SDS and document it you are good. BC doesn't require a card for the employee either. Its all about getting the money for a refresher for the training...
  3. M

    what are you listening to.... RIGHT NOW????
  4. M

    Question about Log Truck Drivers.

    The big problem is Industry (gota save a few bucks). We use to design roads at 10% favorable and 8 % adverse . Now we get roads laid out at 20% or more favorable to design - for winter logging!!! Going into tougher ground with steeper narrower roads, its only gonna get crazier.
  5. M

    Grizzly Bear hunt ban in BC

    I work all over the bush in the East and West Kootenays, there are no shortage of bears in these areas!! Cant wait till these bleeding hearts have to deal with a growing population that will lead to more and more encounters with people in the backcountry and in town.
  6. M

    what are you listening to.... RIGHT NOW????
  7. M

    Humorous picture thread

    1964 model kept us busy for hours.
  8. M

    Natives Threaten Hunter at Gun Point

    West of Kamloops past Cache Creek. Bunch of reservations all around Lillooet.
  9. M

    New from the East Coast

    Live in Nova Scotia but work in British Columbia. Ride a 2012 Summit 800 etec and a 2008 Renegade 800R Was informed about this site by my boss "The Kickass One" who told me this is a great spot for info or a laugh. Look forward to hanging around. Rod
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