Recent content by kbxsrx

  1. K

    show us your bike !

    Had to update mine- here it is! I am bikeless, no more Hayabusa's! :d
  2. K

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    Wow, man this is going to be ugly. Now that the leeches are getting involved, no one will be safe.
  3. K

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    BULL! The FUNERALS are going to be more tragic! The only thing that really affects YOU is you may possibly stand a slight chance of different rules and legislation. Very stupid comeback. Not thought out at all. Your next idea is fine, but give your head a shake. You try telling that line to...
  4. K

    It's time to honor the heros! (my open letter to the media)

    I listened to a couple parts when the phone was not ringing, but what I heard was sympathy and class. One of the widow's was on, and a friend of one of the deceased.
  5. K

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    [/I][/B][/COLOR] 1-What a crock of crap! Ang you know better than that. Revygate is about to get stupid. 2-Absolutely- shovelling everything under the mat is not going to help any legal battles at all. :nono:
  6. K

    Government to cash in on Revy tragedy.

    But, a lot of it boils down to comon sense too. We all have had a false feeling of security in the hills, and a lot of us have taken unnecessary risks. I remember going underneath a HUGE cornice at Pemberton, to get to another area. We all knew we would be instantly dead if it let loose, yet...
  7. K

    Government to cash in on Revy tragedy.

    BUT, again, 1,2, or 17 isolated incidents over a 12 month period of time will NEVER get the same media response as un unsanctioned event in which according again to the media, where HUNDREDS of people are involved. Not hard to figure out. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy BIS, even competed in 05...
  8. K

    Government to cash in on Revy tragedy.

    Because there are not 3000 hikers on top of a mountain with extreme avalanche danger warnings, and 8 helicopters, 5 groups of SAR trying to save their collective lives. A lone Saskatchewan rider getting buried in a ditch somewhere is not going to get the same amount of publicity as a group of...
  9. K

    It's time to honor the heros! (my open letter to the media)

    Excellent thread. My thanks go out to you.
  10. K

    FALLOUT: Avalanche-Turbo March 13,2010

    Please feel free to distribute this message on forums, to the media, etc. If you want a pdf copy to distribute send me an email at It’s time to honor the heros. Written by Susie Rainsberry March 15, 2010 It’s been several days now since the tragic avalanche at...
  11. K

    Big Iron Shootout Avalanche @ Turbo March 13,2010

    Re: Big Iron Slide @ Turbo March 13,2010 Thoughts and Prayers going out to the families. I wish I could have been there to help.
  12. K

    Lloydminster area hunter missing

    rather than paste it all here; Hunter missing - Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum
  13. K

    crack heads in gp

    Both :d
  14. K

    crack heads in gp

    A real good buddy of mine had THE best idea- hold them down and change their glove and shoe size with a ball peen hammer. I have several ready for just that.
  15. K

    sled deck/slip tank

    PM me know the size you want, and I will make one out of aluminum for you. I make water tanks, if you want to put fuel in them (like most do) it is up to you. A dual fuel tank is always cool, run it into your vent line to top up your truck tank as you drive, the other one is for sleds with a...
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