Recent content by DABOMB

  1. D

    Kakwa Snow Conditions 2015/2016

    Re: Kakwa Snow Conotions 2015/2016 Any reports on current riding conditions/ snow?
  2. D

    2007 Phazer electrical issues

    Huh! I will have to check mine Was out pullin the kids around the other day and could smell hot plastic. Now I have code 81 for my grip warmers coming on and off periodically and I know that the gips arent burnt out. Also had to piss around to get it to start once and it seemed like it was a...
  3. D

    Powersteering for Comander

    Very excellent, thank you. Wow, what about the mark up from the US price?? Thats what I like to call @#&K Face Tax.
  4. D

    Powersteering for Comander

    I am just wondering if there any dealers in Canada that handle the wicked built steering system for my commander. TIA BR.
  5. D

    Performance Chip

    Does anyone know where I could find a power chip for my 2004 150 E tec?? Looking for a little more POW POW on the water:d:d.
  6. D

    Nytro Powderlites Stage 3 Programming

    :beer:Hey Ron, is this just the latest map that dave has just made or is one that you have tweeked??:beer::beer:
  7. D

    Track Speed

    I was out on the weekend in deep fluffy snow that would instantly plug my intake, but I was only getting about 90-95k track speed. I did not have enough time to play with my clutching as I was out of fuel in no time. The the next day was -30 C so we came home. I need to change my intake and...
  8. D

    Track Speed

    I have an 08 nytro with a powderlites turbo kit running 14lbs and I was just wondering what kind of track speed others are seeing when climbing??
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