Recent content by Cpt.Ron

  1. Cpt.Ron

    Zbros transfer control brackets POS!

    Brandon, your post caught the attention of Jonathon at Raptor. He reached out said they are sending out another seal kit as the first one must have got lost in the Christmas mail. I will let you know when I see it. Cheers
  2. Cpt.Ron

    What's better Raptors or Evols

    We have installed Raptors on a couple of our sleds and are finding them to be excellant. Definately superior to the WE. A dramatic performance improvement to handling and ride!!
  3. Cpt.Ron

    Av gas on the pump somewhere in olds ?

    We will be stocking 100LL Av Gas at our new shop in Revelstoke so if you need any while in town stop by. Powerhouse Customs #102A-1240 Powerhouse Rd., in the East Industrial park. Starting to move in today, will have Av gas before next weekend. Sled and motorcycle service and repairs, custom...
  4. Cpt.Ron


    Logging on Keystone, how interesting??? When one considers that Keystone is such a sensitive area for the Mountain Caribou that large portions of it are closed to Sledders from January 1 through April 15, yet it is open to Logging???
  5. Cpt.Ron

    Looking for Pro RMK turbo kit!!

    From the Turbo Pro's that I have ridden with, the Aero Chargers seem to work ok, as well as the Silber kits on a good day, ..they appear to give you your money's worth for what you are paying. However, IMO, the "Boost It" Polaris turbo kits are far more comprehensive. The Boost-It crew has spent...
  6. Cpt.Ron

    Boost-It makes the move

    The new shop looks awesome Neil, ..lots of room for lots of build's. The individual storage lockers are a great idea, keeping some seperation to the projects. Looks like there will be lots of Boosted Poo's out there this year. Cheers CR
  7. Cpt.Ron

    well i think that the rcmp are getting a little lazy

    Have you seen the new to Alberta, curb side Photo Radar Unit?? It appears to resemble a Hydro Box that you would normally see anywhere along a road or street. An indiscrimant grey box, approximately 3' high, 2 feet wide and a 1 foot thick. A friend sent me a picture of one that was in use over...
  8. Cpt.Ron


    Later in the race, the announcers were talking briefly about this rear axle skew issue. If I heard correctly, they said NASCAR was aware of this but that the skew was still within the current allowable specs. I am sure we will hear more about this soon.
  9. Cpt.Ron


    I enjoyed the race! Martin was dominant in the early going. It was a tense moment when his car was disected by the Pit Wall, ..another foot or two further forward and it could have been tragic!! Perhaps MIS will look at changing that wall entrance to make it safer. Lots of good racing and...
  10. Cpt.Ron


    Isn't JJ starting at the back as well as a result of an engine change???
  11. Cpt.Ron


    Jr. just hit the wall on the 4th corner in parctice, ..looks like he is going to try to get the backup car out for a lap or two before practice is over. I guess he will be starting at the back of the pack, ....which may be good luck for your Ford dream there Ken, ...hahaha
  12. Cpt.Ron


    I just got back from Shane and Megans Wedding, 3 days of great fun and refreshment consumption, ...trying to avoid heat exhaustion and dehydration of course, lol! What a great time, an awesome wedding, absolutely super reception and dinner, many great friends from the sledding community...
  13. Cpt.Ron


    So who is going to be the winner on the Road Course this weekend? Seems to me that Gordon has done well at the Glen in the past, ..perhaps he will go back to back with another win??
  14. Cpt.Ron


    I was out on the boat all day which was just excellant!! But no NASCAR?? After turning on my computer I see that Gordon won, albeit as a result of a re-start, ...was it a good race? I had Janey record it so it is on the PVR, just not enough time these days. If it is a good one then I'll make...
  15. Cpt.Ron

    Hi Ken, Looks like the Pocono race will be delayed with rain, ..oh well, going boating instead...

    Hi Ken, Looks like the Pocono race will be delayed with rain, ..oh well, going boating instead, ..very hot out here already today. Cheers CR
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