Recent content by captaincooter

  1. captaincooter

    crabby 2001

    Hello, I am new to this site. I am a mechanically inclined individual that is searching for more opinions on a prob. I just purchased a 2001 XCSP 600 this last winter. It is the crabbiest sled I have ever own as far as cold starts. It simply will not warm up! You actually have to drive it. I...
  2. captaincooter

    Crabby 2001

    Hello, I am new to thhis site. I am a mechanically inclined individual that is searching for more opinions on a prob. I just purchased a 2001 XCSP 600 this last winter. It is the crabbiest sled I have ever own as far as cold starts. It simply will not warm up! You actually have to...
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