Recent content by amunro

  1. amunro

    Heated trailer. How many BTU are you running?

    Is your trailer spray foamed in the walls? I am ordering a new trailer but plan to spray foam the walls and roof with 3" thick spray foam and the floor. The have that same airtronic. I have been worried it won't be big enough and once the spray foam is done I won't want to change anything lol
  2. amunro

    Whitecourt conditions

    Conditions are late spring conditions. Dirt spots. With the occasional trail hazard. Still rideable but deteriorating quickly.
  3. amunro

    Whitecourt conditions

    I appreciate others opinions and value the help we know there are many people who help that don't come out to the meetings. I am just tired of checking this and your opinions are the most negative they could be when the conditions in our opinion are not that bad. I took a look at the guest book...
  4. amunro

    Whitecourt conditions

    I get business by having great customer service, caring for the community and the sport both mountain riding and trail riding. I would never send someone out to see them wreck their machines I am honest that the conditions are not the best but I am not going to tell people the trails are...
  5. amunro

    Whitecourt conditions

    You have a horrible attitude. The snow is low yes it's not mountain riding. It is trail riding. Which is still in ok shape! People every weekend come here and ride our trails and have a good time as well as countless locals. I know one guy who has put over 1000km on this season already on the...
  6. amunro

    Huge sale!!!

    Still going on hurry in for the best selection
  7. amunro

    Whitecourt conditions

    We have received some new snow!! While its not much we will take it. The South Groomer operator has been hard at work this week with one day even starting at 3AM!!! The following trails were groomed this week and look pretty prime for the weekend. The Groat Creek Trail has not been groomed...
  8. amunro

    Whitecourt conditions

    Trail Conditions are rough. The south trail that was groomed held up over the Christmas Rush but is now very rough and hard packed. It is rideable but is not in the best shape. We gambled on the fact that we would have more snow by now and so far the snow has not come. The North groomer has not...
  9. amunro

    Whitecourt conditions

    It was a gamble, there was snow in the forecast. The groomer had more than enough snow to be out there the day that it went out. Creeks and washouts needed to be filled. WE were all hoping that the snow that was in the forecast would happen as forecast. It did not That is really all there was...
  10. amunro

    Huge sale!!!

    Still Going!!! Regular Business Hours are Mon-Fri 8-6 Sat 10-2 Sun Closed We have been informed that our add does not comply with certin MAP policies so this is the updated one Snowmobile season is underway and while there is not that much snow here the mountains look good!!! BUT we are way...
  11. amunro

    Groat Creek Staging

    I have suggested this in the past but last year a crew that I know staged there got back to the trucks after dark and all their windows were smashed out and all their stuff stolen from their trucks. just an FYI
  12. amunro

    Huge sale!!!

    Snowmobile season is underway and while there is not that much snow here the mountains look good!!! BUT we are way overstocked on all Polaris Sled Accessories, Mountain Addiction Fuel Cans, Zeal Goggles, KLIM Gear, and FXR Gear and we need to make room for the summer product that we have...
  13. amunro

    Raptor triple rate springs.

    I have tried them on stock Pro Shocks and they make a huge difference for the price, it is still entry level. No where near what you get with going to Raptor Shocks but still a Good improvement for the money
  14. amunro

    re doing the inside of an enclosed

    hey i just bought a 2009 continental cargo 26ft enclosed that i want to insulate and heat, i have the heat figured, but when i started removing the paneling i damaged at least one sheet, i am wondering what everyone is putting on the walls and roof of thier enclosed? and where to get it...
  15. amunro

    sled just dies every now and then. 08 RMK700

    do your gauges or headlight flicker when it is running? if so you voltage regulator may be on its last legs, when it goes for good you will not be able to start your sled until you get a new one.
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