Recent content by 800doogirl

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    April conditions

    Pictures from easter weekend
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    April conditions

    great pictures.. i bet half of mcbride riders easter weekend were from whitecourt
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    For everyone helping "pop's" sled recovery

    WOW!!! Glad everything turned out ok!
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    Mc.Bride accomadations??

    hahah We stayed there over news years as well and only had to pay $531.00 that included $40.00 extra for the dog
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    April conditions

    We rode Lucille on friday and Renshaw on Saturday.. Seeing these pictures, sure wish we were able to stick around on Sunday and go for another trip to Renshaw!
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    Where to eat in McBride?

    ummm wish I woulda seen this before I ate there!
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    Grooming and Parking

    We had no problem turning our sled trailer around.. people just have to be considerate and park close enough together so every one has a chance to park..
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    Mc.Bride accomadations??

    :nono:STAY AWAY FROM NV MOUNTAINVIEW hahah Wish I would have seen that last week.. Just spend $531.00 to stay there for 3 nights with the family paid extra for "dog clean up" .. I coulda got past the sh!tty toilet but the bathtub was unreal dirty! thank god I brought our own bedding...other...
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