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  • hey stan i just got home last night! i will be back maybe in oct for thanksgiving not sure there will be snow! do i want to know what this rebuild will be costing? lol
    i cant wait to see and hear all about you sled when done!!! hawaii was OMG if you have not been you need to take your wife it was so beautiful, fun just wonderful we will for sure go back again. i am heading out to the lake on sunday...any snow still up by you? lol im sure there is in some spots i cant wait! ttys
    holy crap man! you better have it running!!! i cant wait for Hawaii one more week then i will be there! i will be out at the lake for a few weeks in aug. glad you had a good holiday! ttys
    no i will not me there my holidays have changed and i am home still i am going to Hawaii for a week so i could not do both but i can hook you all up with my parents if you like let me know they are there sorry i would have liked to get hang out with you and your wife let me know and i will get you in touch with them!i will be there for 1ts 3 weeks in august!
    yes i will for sure go ride fernie with you two never been but hear it is great. as for the Canada day yes we think it is worth it we go every year we set up at the down town beach it is nicer then sitting in the boat to watch them, there is food and things for the kids, they have a spray park there too. let me know or give us a call and we will save some chairs for you.
    not so good went to the ER in SA thanks night, then just tonight turns out they are fractured need to take a week off! will be 8 weeks to heal just in time to start training for next season! i had a great time you guys were freekn funny i wish the weather was nicer and we could have stayed longer we will do it again if you can put up with me hehe..really thanks it was a great day!
    hey boys thanks for the fun ride i had a great time we will do it again with more pow and sun! thanks for fixing my flat! lol
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