OHV & Random Camping Ban - What you can do !!


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2010
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I got this email this morning

Good afternoon,
As you have previously contacted our office regarding the Castle Provincial Park, we would like to send you this latest update as provided by the Alberta Government (follow the link: Dates set for Castle Conversation)
Dates set for Castle conversation
March 06, 2017
Albertans interested in joining the conversation on recreational uses in southern Alberta and the Castle parks can attend public information sessions. Those meetings will support the recently announced Southern Alberta Recreation Management Planning Process.
Initial meetings are scheduled for:

March 10: Pincher Creek
4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Pincher Creek Community Centre – 287 Canyon Drive

March 11: MD of Ranchlands

2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Chain Lakes Provincial Park – MD Office (view map)

Sessions will examine wider conservation and land-use issues in the southern Eastern Slopes, Castle parks and surrounding areas. Discussions will include linear disturbances, off-highway vehicle use and trail planning. Staff from Environment and Parks will be available at the meetings to answer questions and gather comments. More sessions will be announced in coming days.

The public meetings are a complement to the recently extended online public consultation on the draft Castle Parks Management Plan. An updated draft management plan for the Castle Provincial Park and Castle Wildland Provincial Park will be posted March 10 for additional public input until April 19.
Should you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Thank you,
Rachel Miller
Constituency Assistant to MLA Pat Stier
Livingstone Macleod Constituency

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
I thought I'd share this info of sight seen over the years of off road travels into the bush lands.

My friends and I have spotted the very limited pop or beer cans on these rides, basically there is no garbage left behind by the masses of out-door recreational folks.

I bet many of us that OHV, hike, or horse back into the back country that we never see a full garbage bag laying on the ground back there. "It just doesn't happen because there's no one in their off-set mind too bring a bag of garbage too the bush for a OHV ride."

The areas that get the bad names are truck and car traffic areas. It is these folks that are leaving behind the bad rap we out-door folks get blamed for.

Party Goers, Camp Site Pigs, and folks that could care less about the lands.

99.9% of us truly care, and the 0.01% had mistakenly had something fall out of our truck by mistake.

I've been lucky too travel across our Americas side too side and bottom to top.

All OHV, horse folks, motorcycles, hikers, mountain bikers, and the likes are Stewart's of these lands.

We are the keepers of our lands with out question.

Take the time too reflect back on many of your rides over the many years as one soon realizes that the above idea is correct.

We out door folks get painted with this bad image of garbage left behind, and too be frank, it is further from the truth...

All in User Group idea as things play out. It is us folks as group that help maintain open trails, repair them with our time and effort and at our expense for "all" others too use as well.

Our image has a proven quality track record with room for improvements, it will take all of us too pitch in with limited days too ride.

If folks put in a few minutes here and there too patch up 1 or 2 nasty spots, then that's all we can ask.

The Stewart's of our lands are us.



Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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the sad part and what the bleeding hearts grab on to is the fact that the .01% of A-HOLES are the ones the ruin it for others.
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