Update on Okotoks Man who was charged with Unsafe Use of Firearm

Keith Brown

Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2014
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Okotoks Alberta
I know that there was a thread on this but I couldn't find it. Maybe a mod could move it there or some one already posted it? In any case it looks to me like my local RCMP detachment just will not give up on the harassment of the people they serve. Maybe its time to have the Alberta Sheriffs take over policing in the Province

Update by Kyle Sinclair-Smith
October 23, 1:25 PM

I elected to keep the Fundrazr account open as it would allow me to update you all with and update from the Maurice Family. That update has now come and here it is directly from the Maurice Family.

It has been four months since the charges were withdrawn against Eddie, and we cannot express how grateful we are for the support from everyone during this entire ordeal. Until now, we did not have much of an update to give except that we were trying to get back to a normal routine with our lives. These past four months, while we have stayed fairly quiet, we have been working with our lawyer to get all of Eddie’s firearms returned by the RCMP. Despite a court order to return them in 14 days (typically it is 30 days), we did not receive any back for 48 days. We are still missing one, and at this point, four months later, we believe it will not be returned. In addition this, upon return of the firearms Eddie was advised that his PAL (Possession and Acquisition Licence) was not valid. The RCMP had returned his card to him soon after the charges were dropped, but he had not been advised by letter or otherwise that his PAL was invalid. Last week, we were finally able to have the federal Minister of Justice step in; the Chief Firearms Office had not sent any correspondence to us and was seeming to ignore both Eddie’s and our lawyer’s phone calls regarding his licence, which we had found out was “under review”. Once the Minister’s Office was called however, it was promptly dealt with and reinstated. Thankfully, now that this is all wrapped up, we are hoping to be able to receive our final legal bills to pay.

The gravity of the rural crime situation has not been lost on us, and we have felt all along that Eddie’s charges and case could be a catalyst for positive change. Fortunately, our MP John Barlow, was able to have both of us (Eddie and Jessica) invited to testify in Ottawa in front of the House of Commons Public Safety Committee this week. We took the opportunity to speak not only about our experiences, but to advocate for all of us and our rural needs to the federal Government. Everything we said, in addition to other speakers they are bringing in, will be compiled into a report that will be circulated to all MPs as part of the general review of the rural crime crisis in rural Canada. While the Liberal government is looking for increased firearms regulation (Bill C71) and decreased sentencing for many crimes (Bill C75), we feel hopeful that our story and recommendations will be heard by our representatives in Parliament. Mainly we have recommended increased self defence and property defence laws, and accountability of the RCMP.

We know that this issue affects all of us in rural Canada, and we will continue to share our story and concerns with those politicians and lawmakers who need to hear it, not only for our benefit but for the entire nation’s. Thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts, because if we had to go through this alone we wouldn’t be able to now speak up for all of us.

If you would like to hear our testimony and the Q&A from the Committee, you can listen online here (click to the midway point as we were only in the second half of the meeting):


Active VIP Member
Oct 16, 2008
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No please not the Sheriffs, they are terrible. RCMP generally are more professional to deal with but I guess not in this case.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I heard him say on TV one day that if he had to do it again he would have shot and then not called the RCMP. As soon as he told the cops he had shot a gun he was now the criminal and the thieves were secondary. Sad state of affairs for this country. Thanks for the update Keith. Its a very important story for all rural land owners.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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The RCMP have standing orders from the federal crown prosecutors to lay charges in firearms related incidents. The cops themselves are for the most part understanding of the plight of the rural residents. They’re so sick of the revolving door policies of the courts and re-arresting the same people over and over.


Active VIP Member
Apr 12, 2009
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Rosetown, sask
The RCMP have standing orders from the federal crown prosecutors to lay charges in firearms related incidents. The cops themselves are for the most part understanding of the plight of the rural residents. They’re so sick of the revolving door policies of the courts and re-arresting the same people over and over.

So why doesn’t one of the commanding officers grab a set of balls and stand up for the innocent and tell the dingbats in Ottawa off and how it’s going to be under his/ her watch Enough is enough where the criminals have more rights and 5 star jail to stay in


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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So why doesn’t one of the commanding officers grab a set of balls and stand up for the innocent and tell the dingbats in Ottawa off and how it’s going to be under his/ her watch Enough is enough where the criminals have more rights and 5 star jail to stay in

Because the senior officers are more politicians than cops, and unfortunately, them telling their bosses how it’s going to be works as well as you laying down the law on your boss.


Active VIP Member
Apr 12, 2009
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Rosetown, sask
Because the senior officers are more politicians than cops, and unfortunately, them telling their bosses how it’s going to be works as well as you laying down the law on your boss.

Haven’t had a boss in 8 years. Valid point tho kinda like
This carbon tax is being rammed down our throats. Gonna cost me bunch of money and I’m only guy that can’t pass it on to someone ( farmer) but Ottawa idiots don’t see it that way. Can stand firm on my ground that I’m not giving in and paying or saying this is how it’s gonna be but...
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Active VIP Member
Nov 16, 2011
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North Okanagan
And what was the most one of the crooks got charged with? $260 dollar fine. Ridiculous. One of the biggest problems right there. No consequences for criminal actions. Sad

Keith Brown

Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2014
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Okotoks Alberta
No please not the Sheriffs, they are terrible. RCMP generally are more professional to deal with but I guess not in this case.
. There is no possible way that a Provincial Police force headed out of Edmonton can not be better for Alberta than a Federal Police force from Ottawa.
Just think about it Edmonton or Ottawa. No contest there and I know we get some really Nothead politicians in Edmonton but at least we have a say. Look at the federal scene. This province is Tory blue to the core and look at the mess we have in Ottawa today. eg. Two First Nation around a campfire can stop a pipe line that cripples the Alberta economy. Hm I wonder if it crippled the Quebec economy if the pipe line would still be shut down?????

Here is a examples of what an Alberta police force can do. Alberta Fish and wildlife is a Provincial police force with wide ranging powers in fact they are the most heavily armed officers in the province. The fact is when Chretien and Allan Rock started the Federal Gun Registry, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Officers were mandated by the justice minister of Alberta not to check for fire are registry's of any type. Wow no law enforcement service saw more guns in this province and not one registry ever checked. Sorry about that Chreitan nothing personal we just don't like you and your sh!tty laws. Imagine if the Alberta Sheriff were policing and were operating under the same mandate from the same government. Ottawa can make the rules but if we decide not to follow to bad. On the contrary RCMP in High River use the flood as an opportunity to invade their residence homes (no some but all flooded homes) and charge them with federal fire arms offences. These A Holes have no respect for personal privacy. What happen to "every mans home is his castle". In Ottawa who gives a sh!t about a few High River residence. Our Okotoks RCMP detachment has been alienating it self for a long time. Charging Eddie then continuing to harass him even after the crown drops the charges just adds to the long list of bone head moves that alienates them from the community. Hell last night I was leaving our High School Football League championship game and a boneheaded RCMP had parked his Cruiser right in the exit lane unattended. I wish that pecker head would have showed up when I was leaving. I would have told him to move back to the East, then again the law enforcement officer in the passenger seat probably would have did a little enforcement of her own, prevent an altercation from arising LMAO.


Active VIP Member
Mar 18, 2007
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. There is no possible way that a Provincial Police force headed out of Edmonton can not be better for Alberta than a Federal Police force from Ottawa.
Just think about it Edmonton or Ottawa. No contest there and I know we get some really Nothead politicians in Edmonton but at least we have a say. Look at the federal scene. This province is Tory blue to the core and look at the mess we have in Ottawa today. eg. Two First Nation around a campfire can stop a pipe line that cripples the Alberta economy. Hm I wonder if it crippled the Quebec economy if the pipe line would still be shut down?????

Here is a examples of what an Alberta police force can do. Alberta Fish and wildlife is a Provincial police force with wide ranging powers in fact they are the most heavily armed officers in the province. The fact is when Chretien and Allan Rock started the Federal Gun Registry, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Officers were mandated by the justice minister of Alberta not to check for fire are registry's of any type. Wow no law enforcement service saw more guns in this province and not one registry ever checked. Sorry about that Chreitan nothing personal we just don't like you and your sh!tty laws. Imagine if the Alberta Sheriff were policing and were operating under the same mandate from the same government. Ottawa can make the rules but if we decide not to follow to bad. On the contrary RCMP in High River use the flood as an opportunity to invade their residence homes (no some but all flooded homes) and charge them with federal fire arms offences. These A Holes have no respect for personal privacy. What happen to "every mans home is his castle". In Ottawa who gives a sh!t about a few High River residence. Our Okotoks RCMP detachment has been alienating it self for a long time. Charging Eddie then continuing to harass him even after the crown drops the charges just adds to the long list of bone head moves that alienates them from the community. Hell last night I was leaving our High School Football League championship game and a boneheaded RCMP had parked his Cruiser right in the exit lane unattended. I wish that pecker head would have showed up when I was leaving. I would have told him to move back to the East, then again the law enforcement officer in the passenger seat probably would have did a little enforcement of her own, prevent an altercation from arising LMAO.

Notley would never stand up for Albertans against her beloved Trudeau.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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The RCMP in the provinces report to the provincial solicitor general, not the federal government. They only report to Ottawa on border security or airport security issues. Other than that it’s the province that directs how they do their jobs.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
I remember Steven Harper having words with the Alberta RCMP, when they busted doors down and stole firearms during a flood He or she in power at the time should have been fired!! because they tainted view of firearms is still apparent today.

Keith Brown

Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2014
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Okotoks Alberta
They may report to the solicitor general but their boss is the chief commissioner in Ottawa. Trust me friend he don't give a crap about Alberta or our solicitor general.
The RCMP in the provinces report to the provincial solicitor general, not the federal government. They only report to Ottawa on border security or airport security issues. Other than that it’s the province that directs how they do their jobs.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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They may report to the solicitor general but their boss is the chief commissioner in Ottawa. Trust me friend he don't give a crap about Alberta or our solicitor general.

You don’t understand how the system works. The solicitor general is the person who sets the law enforcement policies for the province. He or she in concert with the government of the day decides how the laws will be enforced in the province. The example mentioned above was how the fish cops didn’t check for firearms licenses. The commissioner of the RCMP is responsible for how the force runs, and has nothing to do with how the laws are enforced. And by the way, he is a she.


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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You don’t understand how the system works. The solicitor general is the person who sets the law enforcement policies for the province. He or she in concert with the government of the day decides how the laws will be enforced in the province. The example mentioned above was how the fish cops didn’t check for firearms licenses. The commissioner of the RCMP is responsible for how the force runs, and has nothing to do with how the laws are enforced. And by the way, he is a she.

The new commissioner is a she, and she was our neighbor , they had an acreage by us. I'm not a big fan of cops in general , especially short ones , but Brenda is a pretty cool lady, she'll do a great job . Unfortunately , her and our problem is the limp wristed, everybody can be rehabilitated Canadian judiciary. They need a total rethink .
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