Revy and BC going to feel it if the BC Nazi/NDP shut down Trans Mountian

Keith Brown

Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2014
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Okotoks Alberta
I spent 63 nights in Revy over the past 3 seasons. Thats equates to about 250 dinners out giver or take, a ****load of beverages not to mention a few thousand dollars of gas an groceries. I still have 12 nights left at the BW Plus from last season. Revy is awesome we love it, but it's sure going to be tough to support a province that doesn't care about my ability to earn a living. I'm getting more pizz off by the day with the BS the BC Nazi party is trying to shove down our throats. I'm betting that I'm not the only one in Alberta thats thinking this way. By my calculations my impact alone equates to about half a dozen pick up loads of BC VHQ wine a year.


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Dec 5, 2006
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Didsbury, Alberta
if you think it will make a difference to those tree hugging leaf licking live in a over priced 500 sq. ft. condo they don't give a **** about us snowmobilers or quadders as long as they got there over priced lattes. what they need to do to get their attention is make the price of gas 2.00 a litre in bring cash (bc)


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Nov 16, 2011
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North Okanagan
I spent 63 nights in Revy over the past 3 seasons. Thats equates to about 250 dinners out giver or take, a ****load of beverages not to mention a few thousand dollars of gas an groceries. I still have 12 nights left at the BW Plus from last season. Revy is awesome we love it, but it's sure going to be tough to support a province that doesn't care about my ability to earn a living. I'm getting more pizz off by the day with the BS the BC Nazi party is trying to shove down our throats. I'm betting that I'm not the only one in Alberta thats thinking this way. By my calculations my impact alone equates to about half a dozen pick up loads of BC VHQ wine a year.

Your grasp of this is amazing. Blaming the people of Revy, golden sicamous etc is pretty short sighted and childish. The vast majority of BC outside the lower mainland supports industry and business. Me included. We also have to live with the fact that the province is controlled by the lower mainland due to population density. This affects not just pipelines but mining, logging, oil and gas etc. The joys of BC politics. This trade war bull#$it is political pandering at its best, and if you can't see that and want to pout about then one less pair of white oakleys rolling around revy isnt gonna hurt my feelings. This "I'm a big wheel around here" attitude is what gives decent Albertans a bad name. How's that Y2Y thing working out. Maybe check your own backyard for NDP fawk arounds


Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
I spent 63 nights in Revy over the past 3 seasons. Thats equates to about 250 dinners out giver or take, a ****load of beverages not to mention a few thousand dollars of gas an groceries. I still have 12 nights left at the BW Plus from last season. Revy is awesome we love it, but it's sure going to be tough to support a province that doesn't care about my ability to earn a living. I'm getting more pizz off by the day with the BS the BC Nazi party is trying to shove down our throats. I'm betting that I'm not the only one in Alberta thats thinking this way. By my calculations my impact alone equates to about half a dozen pick up loads of BC VHQ wine a year.
You do realize we the people of b.c voted in liberal I.e Cindy Clark

But the dumb fawks n.d
P and greenys joined together and took over

So acting like a 2 year old and having a fit is not the people of b.c's fault, blame the hongcoover area for voting for the n.d.p if anything

Your grasp of this is amazing. Blaming the people of Revy, golden sicamous etc is pretty short sighted and childish. The vast majority of BC outside the lower mainland supports industry and business. Me included. We also have to live with the fact that the province is controlled by the lower mainland due to population density. This affects not just pipelines but mining, logging, oil and gas etc. The joys of BC politics. This trade war bull#$it is political pandering at its best, and if you can't see that and want to pout about then one less pair of white oakleys rolling around revy isnt gonna hurt my feelings. This "I'm a big wheel around here" attitude is what gives decent Albertans a bad name. How's that Y2Y thing working out. Maybe check your own backyard for NDP fawk arounds
Some people don't pay attention at all


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2012
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You do realize we the people of b.c voted in liberal I.e Cindy Clark

But the dumb fawks n.d
P and greenys joined together and took over

So acting like a 2 year old and having a fit is not the people of b.c's fault, blame the hongcoover area for voting for the n.d.p if anything

Some people don't pay attention at all

correct and once again people can't think for themselves

apparently Alberta is a Notley supporting province !!!!

But in all reality I know this isn't true since I can think for myself


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I'm thinking Keith is just showing displeasure at your communist government and not the good folks that provide us great hospitality visiting these great tourist area's of BC. As I said in another thread I have a friend that's in the BC wine industry that has shown her displeasure to Albertans and our government over our recent trade decisions in regards to wine movement east. Why is she blaming Albertans? It was our communist government that made these decisions. However as much as I know wine has nothing to do with oil I also agree that BC needs to take notice that we are tired of being pushed around by not only your province but Quebec as well. The hypocrisy that BC and Quebec feel they can do without Alberta oil is hilarious. Don't like our oil but will buy it from conflict nations across the pond. Time to take your Oakley's off and look at it in real time BC. We are all Canadian's and its time to start acting like it instead of the Globalist view.


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
i'm thinking keith is just showing displeasure at your communist government and not the good folks that provide us great hospitality visiting these great tourist area's of bc. As i said in another thread i have a friend that's in the bc wine industry that has shown her displeasure to albertans and our government over our recent trade decisions in regards to wine movement east. Why is she blaming albertans? It was our communist government that made these decisions. However as much as i know wine has nothing to do with oil i also agree that bc needs to take notice that we are tired of being pushed around by not only your province but quebec as well. The hypocrisy that bc and quebec feel they can do without alberta oil is hilarious. Don't like our oil but will buy it from conflict nations across the pond. Time to take your oakley's off and look at it in real time bc. We are all canadian's and its time to start acting like it instead of the globalist view.

*unethical oil* .... Venezuela, arabia, syria, kuwait, etc. All suppress women and gays/lesbians alike... Also alberta oil is the most environmentally friendly bitumen in the world!!!


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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*unethical oil* .... Venezuela, arabia, syria, kuwait, etc. All suppress women and gays/lesbians alike... Also alberta oil is the most environmentally friendly bitumen in the world!!!
That's the word I was trying to think of Ric! Thanks.


Active VIP Member
Feb 25, 2009
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Hahaha!! Stay home! Ride your sweet mountain sled in your amazing mountain province!! Good thing the line is Field, oh wait, Fernie is good, we kept that too!
If you think all your money is going to 'hurt' us so be it, so tired of all of this. I, nor any of my friends travel to Alberta for recreation, sure I go to do some shopping, cause it's closer than Van but I don't own toys that are specific to ridding in Alberta!
If like others said, you think that a minority Government speaks for all of us you are an......
It will get built, we, and I hope you, well at least the reasonable Albertans that I know, do not want an oil spill on our Canadian Coast, especially my Alberta friends who travel to go fishing, how's Alberta Salmon? one thing happening is the BC government wants some coast Guard stations reopened,( thanks Harper) and some new technology to deal with the unlikely but possible accidents.
The comments by some are so uninformed it's laughable.. I am going Sledding, in my backyard, it has been the best season, using sweet supreme gas from............Washington state because they have the refinery, how about you?

Couple shots of Beautiful Canada, to bad you staying home

image.jpg image.jpg

Keith Brown

Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2014
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Okotoks Alberta
Keith Brown just stay at home and support your local businesses we’ve already got enough of your types over crowding our town during the winter season
I have awesome relationships with the people I support in Revy. They don't seem to be to busy when I am there. It seems to me that you don't have a clue what makes Revy such a vibrant, awesome place to visit. Sounds like you support the Nazi's that wantTrans Mountain shut down.
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Keith Brown

Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
Okotoks Alberta
Your grasp of this is amazing. Blaming the people of Revy, golden sicamous etc is pretty short sighted and childish. The vast majority of BC outside the lower mainland supports industry and business. Me included. We also have to live with the fact that the province is controlled by the lower mainland due to population density. This affects not just pipelines but mining, logging, oil and gas etc. The joys of BC politics. This trade war bull#$it is political pandering at its best, and if you can't see that and want to pout about then one less pair of white oakleys rolling around revy isnt gonna hurt my feelings. This "I'm a big wheel around here" attitude is what gives decent Albertans a bad name. How's that Y2Y thing working out. Maybe check your own backyard for NDP fawk arounds

Your absolutely right the over whelming majority in Revy don't agree with the NDP/Green agenda. It's vital to me to create a sense of urgency to the situation and bring the BC government into line. That's why I made the post I want the vendors I support to apply pressure in every way possible to rectify the situation and at the same time letting everyone I can know that this is hurting us here in Alberta. The uncertainty alone is a big problem in the energy business. Ever day this gong show go's on causes damage to the Canadian economy.
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Active VIP Member
Aug 3, 2008
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Calgary and Rocky Mtns
Those two NDP dummies are old friends. They are just both trying to look like they are fighting so hard. BC NDP need to flex before a byelection that is coming up so they need a big statement and a big adversary. Notley needs to look like she cares about Albertan oil jobs (she only cares about keeping her job long enough to get a pension while pushing her real agenda)

Just grandstanding to look like they are standing up so tough against the bad guy

Keith Brown

Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
Okotoks Alberta
Hahaha!! Stay home! Ride your sweet mountain sled in your amazing mountain province!! Good thing the line is Field, oh wait, Fernie is good, we kept that too!
If you think all your money is going to 'hurt' us so be it, so tired of all of this. I, nor any of my friends travel to Alberta for recreation, sure I go to do some shopping, cause it's closer than Van but I don't own toys that are specific to ridding in Alberta!
If like others said, you think that a minority Government speaks for all of us you are an......
It will get built, we, and I hope you, well at least the reasonable Albertans that I know, do not want an oil spill on our Canadian Coast, especially my Alberta friends who travel to go fishing, how's Alberta Salmon? one thing happening is the BC government wants some coast Guard stations reopened,( thanks Harper) and some new technology to deal with the unlikely but possible accidents.
The comments by some are so uninformed it's laughable.. I am going Sledding, in my backyard, it has been the best season, using sweet supreme gas from............Washington state because they have the refinery, how about you?

Couple shots of Beautiful Canada, to bad you staying home

View attachment 208972View attachment 208973

Your awesome thanks for buying that Washington gas all produce will Alberta crude. Ignorance is bliss. You are a true patriot:)
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