Radar78's latest activity

  • Radar78
    Radar78 replied to the thread This Is Sad.
    An AR-15 can’t break itself out of where you store it and kill innocent people on its own though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to MP Kid's post in the thread This Is Sad with Like Like.
    You also need to prove competence to own firearms. Maybe this is the same…
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to Mike270412's post in the thread This Is Sad with Like Like.
    Same. Our dogs usually had a two chicken limit. First one was a stern reprimand, second was a bullet.
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to freeflorider's post in the thread This Is Sad with Like Like.
    No one should roast you on this one. yes we are a nagging bunch of A-holes but this is just sad. Aggressive dogs need special...
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to SnowJunkie82's post in the thread Farmer talk with Like Like.
    Right now in Canada the are no chemicals registered for drone use. But I may know a guy who used a T30 a whole lot to spray hoppers in...
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to drew562's post in the thread This Is Sad with Like Like.
    As a semi pro Snow n Mud expert. I agree with you 100%. The story is mind blowing. Simply banned from owning dogs like what the hell,and...
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to snopro's post in the thread Humorous picture thread with Like Like.
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to snopro's post in the thread Humorous picture thread with Like Like.
  • Radar78
    https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-pit-bull-attack-bagaric-betty-ann-williams-fine-sentence-1.7195533 I’m sure an S and M...
  • Radar78
    Radar78 replied to the thread Justin Trudeau Sucks!.
    Don’t let the gate at the border hit you on the ass on your way out bud. Judging by your attitude, nobody here is gonna miss ya. Cheers...
  • Radar78
    Radar78 replied to the thread Justin Trudeau Sucks!.
    Pretty sure you could figure it out. My brother in law just moved to Texas and he’s got like 7 brain cells. Maybe you have a few less...
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to Shuswaper's post in the thread Justin Trudeau Sucks! with Like Like.
    The person who made that sandwich in Mexico might have made $3.00 for an entire days work. "There but for the grace of God go I". Be...
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to Scrambled's post in the thread Random Pictures Thread with Like Like.
    Two trophies in 2 weeks, a first for us, plus our first A dash win.
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to LUCKY 7's post in the thread Justin Trudeau Sucks! with Like Like.
    So I was in Cranbrook yesterday and on the corner of the mall parking lot that faces the main highway was a group of fine people...
  • Radar78
    Radar78 reacted to snopro's post in the thread Justin Trudeau Sucks! with Like Like.
    From what I’ve seen of Mexico there is far more poor and run down than lifestyles of the rich and famous. Yes there are good areas for...
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